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Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties
School exclusions in Wales: policy discourse and policy enactment

Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties: Excluded Lives, 26(1) pp 19-30 This paper contributes to our growing understanding of the processes underpinning contrasting rates of school exclusions both within and across the different jurisdictions of the UK. Wales is often compared favourably to its larger neighbour England, where rates of permanent exclusions have risen dramatically in recent…

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Digitranscope: The Governance of Digitally-Transformed Society

This volume presents the key outcomes and research findings of the Digitranscope research project of the European Commission Joint Research Centre. The project set out to explore during the period 2017-2020 the challenges and opportunities that the digital transformation is posing to the governance of society. We focused our attention on the governance of data…

Disability and labor market outcomes - first page
Disability and labor market outcomes

IZA World of Labor, 2021, 253 In Europe, about one in eight people of working age report having a disability; that is, a long-term limiting health condition. Despite the introduction of a range of legislative and policy initiatives designed to eliminate discrimination and facilitate retention of and entry into work, disability is associated with substantial and…

Mapping Access to Banking Services

Under Senedd Research’s Academic Fellowship Scheme, Associate Professor Mitchel Langford from the University of South Wales explored how the latest digital mapping technologies can lead to a better understanding of the geographical provision of retail banking. The full report Exploring geographical patterns in the changing landscape of retail banking services in Wales (PDF, 3.09 MB) is published as a Wales Institute…

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Exploring geographical patterns in the changing landscape of retail banking services in Wales

Over the past decade successive rounds of bank closures and increasing trends towards fee charging ATMs have attracted widespread media and political attention. This report explores how the latest developments in spatial analytical techniques can provide detailed insight into patterns of provision and change. These techniques are used to provide estimates of accessibility at local community…

Journal Cover
The Persistence of Union Membership within the Coalfields of Britain

Spatial variance in union membership has been attributed to the favourable attitudes that persist in areas with an historical legacy of trade unionism. Within the United Kingdom, villages and towns located in areas once dominated by coalmining remain among the strongest and most durable bases for the trade union movement. This article empirically examines the…