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Region, Place, Devolution: Geohistory still matters

The Routledge Handbook of Place: Part 1 – Situating Place, Chapter 4 (ed) Tim Edensor, Ares Kalandides, Uma Kothari This chapter looks at the relationship between place and region through the lens of the place-making politics of devolution and localism in Britain; England and Wales specifically. We revisit Paasi’s treatise on regions in geography and suggest…

Cover page of the Area journal
Exploring spatiotemporal variations in public library provision following a prolonged period of economic austerity: A GIS approach

Area 52(2) pp 342-353 This paper demonstrates the applicability of GIS tools for investigating the implications of changes in public service provision following a prolonged period of economic austerity in the UK. Using the example of geographical accessibility to public library service points in Wales, levels of provision are estimated for two cross‐sections in time to…

Struggle in the Garment Sector

Theory & Struggle 121(1) pp 68-77 This article considers what struggle means for the international garment worker of today. The typical worker will most likely be a woman experiencing exploitative and harsh conditions in a sector where, internationally, employers generally seek to crush independent trade unionism. The article briefly reviews the garment industry’s history, including advances…

Rural Studies Journal Cover
Stewardship of the rural: Conceptualising the experiences of rural volunteering in later life

Journal of Rural Studies 76 pp 184-192 The figure of the older volunteer involved with the civil society of rural communities is written onto by the dual demands to age well and productively; to benefit themselves but also to be a good citizen and to contribute to their communities and to wider society. Considering this popular…

Journal cover
Sense of belonging as an indicator of social capital

This paper examines the possibility of using sense of belonging as an indicator for social capital. Social capital, from the collective social capital theory perspective, is constructed from three main elements: trust, social network and participation. Social capital is crucial to civil society and well-being, but there is no consensus on how to define and…

Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(6) cover
Reclaiming authenticity: The spaces and scales of national sincerity

Environmental and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(6) pp 1091-1107 At present, there seems to be somewhat of a paradox between critical academic and more political and popular understandings of authenticity. At one level, the notion of authenticity has become passé, almost a dirty word, for critical social theorists and human geographers: being something that…

Publication Image
The cultural making of the citizen: a comparative analysis of school students’ civic and political participation in France and Wales

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 51(8) pp 1226-1240 This paper examines the complex relationship between the state, civil society and education through comparative research with young people in France and the UK. Survey data derived from two cohorts of school students in South Wales and Lyon reveal strong differences in their levels of…