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Journal Cover
Beyond bad behaviour? Towards a broader understanding of school student activism

This paper explores UK school students’ protest activism relating to their schools’ policies and practices, drawing on two datasets: 1) a newspaper analysis of media reports relating to school protests between 2000 and 2021; 2) a survey of 800 secondary school pupils in Wales. Drawing on social movements literature and adapting concepts for the school…

Regional and Federal Studies Cover
Explaining the salience of secessionist partyconstitutional demands for independence

Demands for independence have increased across Europe in the last decade,but there are limits to our understanding of what makes secessionist partiesmore ambiguous or assertive on independence. This article’s originalcontribution to the literature on regionalist parties in Western Europe is inaddressing gaps in understanding of secessionist party strategy.Consequently, its original theoretical contribution is to enrich…

Renewable and Sustainble Energy Reviews
Can the equitable roll out of electric vehicle charging infrastructure be achieved?

Equitable and sufficient charging infrastructure is required for transport decarbonization to reach its goals. Despite increased electric vehicle infrastructure roll out rates, there is still considerable uncertainty regarding the charging market. For example, studies have evidenced disparities in electric vehicle charging placement, however, predictable as the market caters for early adopters. While there is an…

The relationship between subjective well-being in school and children’s participation rights: International evidence from the Children’s Worlds survey

This paper considers the relationship between children’s subjective well-being at school and the fulfilment of their participation rights. Our research focuses on the association between children’s involvement in decision making in school and their subjective well-being (SWB) using international evidence from the Children’s Worlds survey. The analysis uses data from the third wave of the…

Journal cover
Rights, rules and remedies: interrogating the policy discourse of school exclusion in Wales

Wales is often compared favourably to other countries because of its commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and lower levels of school exclusions. Systematic analysis of policy documents reveals the dominance of a rights-based discourse in approaching the challenge of school exclusions, which are explained in terms of socio-economic circumstances…

Journal Cover
Self-interest or self-defeating? How the self-employed voted in the EU referendum

Given the anticipated negative impact of Brexit on the U.K. economy, it might be expected that self-employed individuals would have favoured remaining in the European Union. However, the self-employed are also more likely to have certain demographic characteristics that are associated with voting leave in the 2016 referendum. We investigate such potentially offsetting influences using…

Designing a New Civic Economy? On the Emergence and Contradictions of Participatory Experimental Urbanism

Can we remake local economies from scratch – not through political struggle but by design – to solve wicked problems and transform urban governance? Such questions are raised by an emergent trend within urban experimentation that emphasises participation and commoning in designing peer-to-peer provisioning systems through a platform logic. This article deconstructs the discourses animating…

“They were chasing me down the streets”: Austerity, resourcefulness, and the tenacity of migrant women’s care-full labour

In this paper, we examine the role of migrant women in civil society in Wales in a triply-hostile environment created by UK government policy since 2010. Drawing on interviews carried out with EU migrants between 2016 and 2017, we outline the active support and care work provided by these women to migrants and others and…

Front page of publication with image of woman working at home office
Newyddion WISERD: Argraffiad 20

Croeso gan Gyfarwyddwr WISERD Yn y rhifyn hwn o Newyddion WISERD ceir amrywiaeth o newyddion o bob rhan o sefydliadau partner WISERD a rhai o’r ychwanegiadau diweddaraf i flog WISERD; rwy’n gobeithio bod y rhifyn yn dangos ein cyfraniad parhaus i ymchwil ym maes y gwyddorau cymdeithasol a’r ffyrdd yr ydym yn dylanwadu ar bolisïau…