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Front cover
Did the EU Referendum boost youth engagement with politics?

The Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014 was for many a watershed moment in the ongoing debate about youth political engagement. Against a backdrop of declining electoral turnout amongst young voters, and evidence that today’s young people are the most politically apathetic to have entered the electorate in the last century, the 85% turnout among 18-24…

Journal Cover
The city-region chimera: the political economy of metagovernance failure in Britain

Within the context of spatial rebalancing and a Northern (metro-region) Powerhouse, this article explores the implementation of the devolution of employment and skills within the Sheffield city region. We make both an original empirical and analytical contribution by suggesting that notions of governance and metagovernance failure are important for analyzing the development, tensions and contradictions…

Report Cover
Making Sense of Official Estimates of Trade Union Membership

Different sources of data provide a generally consistent picture of downward trends in rates of trade union density, presence and coverage. Analysis however raises cause for concern regarding official estimates derived from the Labour Force Survey which underestimate the true extent to which unions are both present in the workplace and recognised by employers in…

Book Cover
Confronting Globalisation? Rural Protests, Resistance and Social Movements

The increasing integration of rural communities into transnational social and economic networks has unsettled the politics of rural regions across the globe. Through much of the 20th century, rural economies and societies in the advanced industrial nations of Europe, North America, Japan and Australasia (the ‘global north’) were defined and governed in relation to national…

Critical Policy Studies
What is critical?

This article describes the meta-theoretical and theoretical foundations of one approach to critique that moves through up to eight analytically distinct steps. This critique begins with the identification of specific discourses and discursive practices and moves progressively toward a critique of ideology and domination and then to a critique of the factors and actors that,…

Our Changing Land - Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales cover
Women and Policy-Making: Devolution, Civil Society and Political Representation

This chapter is part of a collection of essays that put contemporary Wales under the microscope. Examining issues such as class, gender, culture and the Welsh language, Our Changing Land presents a complex and often contradictory picture of a nation. The book also continues a discourse begun over thirty years ago in the 1994 Our Sisters’ Land (edited by Jane Aaron,…

book cover
Curriculum, Culture and Citizenship Education in Wales: Investigations into the Curriculum Cymreig

This book explores how culture and citizenship are theorised, promoted and learned throughout schools in Wales. Following a brief history of Welsh education and a discussion of how contemporary cultural identity is theorised through citizenship education curricula, it illustrates how archaic approaches to understanding cultural identity continue to undermine the development of culturally relevant curriculum in…

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Controlling food, controlling relationships: exploring the meanings and dynamics of family food practices through the diary‐interview approach

Potential merits of a social practice perspective for examining the meanings and dynamics of family food include moving beyond individual behaviour, and exploring how practices emerge, develop and change. However, researchers have struggled to encourage reflection on mundane practices, and how to understand associated meanings. Drawing on a study of families in South Wales, this…