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Audio Walks: The purpose, practice and politics of production

Audio walks have increasingly been adopted by the tourist and leisure sector as a way of introducing people to material and audio landscapes. By providing people with tracks that correspond to places set out on a map, people are taken on a journey around and through different worlds, listening to accounts, histories, stories and tales…

ICT use and connectivity of minority communities in Wales cover
ICT use and connectivity of minority communities in Wales

The project ICT use and connectivity of minority communities in Wales has aimed to gain an understanding of the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on changing cultures and patterns of connectivity within and between minority communities and the potential of multifaceted digital divides in constraining or shaping these forms of connectivity. It has…

Journal Cover
Accelerated restructuring in rural China fuelled by ‘increasing vs decreasing balance’ land use policy for dealing with hollowed villages

Rapid industrialization and urbanization in China has produced a unique phenomenon of ‘village-hollowing’, shaped by the dual-track structure of socio-economic development. This paper analyzes the phenomenon of ‘village-hollowing’, identifying the processes and influences that have driven their evolution, and highlighting the challenge that the locking-up of unused rural housing land in ‘hollowed villages’ presents for…

Journal Cover
Web-based GIS approaches to enhance public participation in wind farm planning

Planning information pertaining to the potential visual impacts of proposed construction developments is particularly important in the case of wind farm planning, given the high levels of concern amongst members of the public regarding the perceived negative visual impacts of wind turbines on the landscape. Previous research has highlighted the shortcomings associated with traditional visualization…

Journal Cover
Book Review: Geospatial Techniques in Urban Hazard and Disaster Analysis

Excerpt The primary focus of this volume is on the use of spatial technologies in urban hazard and disaster issues, concentrating on their use in four stages in the disaster management process: response, recovery, preparation, and mitigation. … the editors of this volume have provided an extremely useful addition to the literature in this area…

The Welsh Labour Market Following the Great Recession

The paper reviews public discourses and research on the safeguarding of other people’s children by adults at the neighbourhood level. There is much empirical evidence pointing to the existence of thriving informal communities of support and informal childcare for parents across the social classes. There appears to be less empirical evidence related to intervening with…

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Childhood Obesity in Wales

The human capital, or the health, education and skills of the next generation, will be fundamental in determining their labour market success and the future prosperity of the Welsh economy. While it is today’s children who will form this future generation economic analysis typically ignores this group until they reach working age. However, there is…

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Collective learning, effective demand, loss of work and loss of direction: The growing regional divide

The local economy relies on a division of labour that develops highly specialized skills. In searching for an understanding of the growing work gap within the United Kingdom, emphasis is placed on recessions that connect to loss and redundancy of physical and human capital. High levels of regional unemployment following deindustrialization convert into high levels…