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Cover of Information, Technology and People
A flash in the pan or a permanent change? The growth of homeworking during the pandemic and its effect on employee productivity in the UK

Purpose This paper has three aims: Firstly, it puts the pandemic-induced surge in homeworking into context by charting trends in homeworking in the UK since the early 1980s. Secondly, it examines what effect the growth in homeworking during the pandemic has had on employees’ self-reported levels of productivity. Thirdly, it assesses whether the spike in…

Journal Cover
Self-interest or self-defeating? How the self-employed voted in the EU referendum

Given the anticipated negative impact of Brexit on the U.K. economy, it might be expected that self-employed individuals would have favoured remaining in the European Union. However, the self-employed are also more likely to have certain demographic characteristics that are associated with voting leave in the 2016 referendum. We investigate such potentially offsetting influences using…

Journal Cover
The precariousness of living with, and caring for people with, dementia: Insights from the IDEAL programme

This paper uses precarity as a framework to understand the vulnerabilities experienced by those living with or caring for someone living with dementia. Drawing on qualitative interview data from the Improving the Experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) programme, we attend to our participants’ reflections on how they manage the condition and the…

Designing a New Civic Economy? On the Emergence and Contradictions of Participatory Experimental Urbanism

Can we remake local economies from scratch – not through political struggle but by design – to solve wicked problems and transform urban governance? Such questions are raised by an emergent trend within urban experimentation that emphasises participation and commoning in designing peer-to-peer provisioning systems through a platform logic. This article deconstructs the discourses animating…

“They were chasing me down the streets”: Austerity, resourcefulness, and the tenacity of migrant women’s care-full labour

In this paper, we examine the role of migrant women in civil society in Wales in a triply-hostile environment created by UK government policy since 2010. Drawing on interviews carried out with EU migrants between 2016 and 2017, we outline the active support and care work provided by these women to migrants and others and…

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Maternal Mental Health and Children’s Problem Behaviours: A Bi-directional Relationship?

Transactional theory and the coercive family process model have illustrated how the parent-child relationship is reciprocal. Emerging research using advanced statistical methods has examined these theories, but further investigations are necessary. In this study, we utilised linked health data on maternal mental health disorders and explored their relationship with child problem behaviours via the Strengths…

Front page of publication with image of woman working at home office
Newyddion WISERD: Argraffiad 20

Croeso gan Gyfarwyddwr WISERD Yn y rhifyn hwn o Newyddion WISERD ceir amrywiaeth o newyddion o bob rhan o sefydliadau partner WISERD a rhai o’r ychwanegiadau diweddaraf i flog WISERD; rwy’n gobeithio bod y rhifyn yn dangos ein cyfraniad parhaus i ymchwil ym maes y gwyddorau cymdeithasol a’r ffyrdd yr ydym yn dylanwadu ar bolisïau…

Working in Schools: Job Quality of educational professionals before and after the pandemic

The quality of the education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. But this Government has made the profession less and less attractive to new graduates. This important report exposes how hard teachers’ working lives have become. It makes a clear, succinct and powerful case that the intensity of teachers’ work is unsustainable.  The…

Journal cover
Profiles of social, cultural, and economic capital as longitudinal predictors of stress, positive experiences of caring, and depression among spousal carers of people with dementia

Objective We explored (1) social, cultural, and economic capital in spousal carers of people with dementia; (2) profiles of carers with different levels of capital; (3) whether the identified profiles differ in levels of stress and positive experiences of caring, and likelihood of depression over time. Methods Baseline (2014–2016), 12-month, and 24-month follow-up data were…

Inequality Within Equalities: An Institutionalist Examination of Equalities Interest Groups Engagement in a Third Sector-Government Partnership

Chapter 9 in Social Policy Review 35. In the latest edition of Social Policy Review, experts review the leading social policy scholarship from the past year. The book addresses current issues and critical debates within the field, with a particular focus on intergenerational research. Contributors also explore key social policy and research developments across a…