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Book Cover
Employment equality in China’s universities: perceptions of ‘decent work’ among university teachers in Beijing

In recent years there has been an increase in awareness of social justice, equality and rights issues among Chinese citizens including university teachers (Li, 2011). The higher education (HE) sector is an important example of this because of its potential for developing and disseminating new ideas about a just society, and in influencing policy-makers. An…

Book Cover
Moving to find a job: Chinese Masters’ degree graduates and internal migration

It is clear that graduates from Chinese higher education, like their counterparts elsewhere in the world, expect to find employment which provides a return on the investment they and their families have made in their formal education and training. They aspire also to employment appropriate to the level of education they have achieved and which…

Journal cover
Giving, Saving, Spending: What Would Children Do with £1 Million?

This article explores children’s responses to a single question: ‘If someone gave you £1 million today, what would you do with it?’ Although such an exploration might seem trivial, we argue that their responses provide important insights into children’s values and priorities. One-third intend to spend it all, one quarter to save it. But the…

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Peace Profile: Waldo Williams

This is not the place for a full account of the peace movement in modern Wales, but a brief description is necessary if readers from outside the country are to understand the social, cultural, and political context of Waldo Williams’ life and work, as a Christian, as a poet, and as a pacifist. Although supported…

Journal Cover
Institutions of care, moral proximity and demoralisation: The case of the emergency department

This article draws on concepts of morality and demoralisation to understand the problematic nature of relationships between staff and patients in public health services. The article uses data from a case study of a UK hospital Emergency Department to show how staff are tasked with the responsibility of treating and caring for patients, while at…

Journal cover
Connectivity in Later Life: The Declining Age Divide in Mobile Cell Phone Ownership

In recent decades changes in social connectivity have become key features in the changing contexts of later life. Communities of propinquity no longer seem to be as determining of social relationships as they once were. Mobile cell phone technology and the Internet have redefined what it means to ‘keep in touch’. Some authors have argued…

Article front page
The Importance of Higher Education for International Development – A Post-2015 Development Priority

Higher education is recognized as vital to any balanced development strategy. However, for several decades higher education was an afterthought in development policy, it being seen as a poor use of scarce resources. Two trends have changed this – recognition of the public goods character of higher education and the importance of knowledge economies, and…

Report cover
Gwerthuso’r Cyfnod Sylfaen: adroddiad terfynol

Mae’r adroddiad terfynol hwn yn cyflwyno prif ganfyddiadau’r gwerthusiad. Fe’u trefnir mewn pedair prif bennod: gweithredu’r Cyfnod Sylfaen; ymarfer y Cyfnod Sylfaen effaith y Cyfnod Sylfaen dadansoddiad economaidd o’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Mae’r bennod olaf yn trafod goblygiadau’r canfyddiadau hyn gydag argymhellion cysylltiedig.