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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 1155 canlyniad
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The declining volume of workers’ training in Britain

The conventional focus on the training participation rate, rather than training volume, in official statistics and research has obscured a radical transformation in workers’ training in Britain. To obtain a picture of the trend in training volume, we synthesize a narrative through a new analysis of multiple surveys. The duration of training fell sharply with…

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Accessibility to sport facilities in Wales: A GIS-based analysis of socio-economic variations in provision

Previous studies concerned with investigating the relationship between levels of physical activity and aspects of the built environment have often led to inconsistent and mixed findings concerning associations between the availability of recreational or sport facilities and area socio-economic status. Further complications may arise when analysis is conducted separately for access to either publicly available…

Report Cover
Rethinking Education: Towards a global common good?

The changes in the world today are characterized by new levels of complexity and contradiction. These changes generate tensions for which education is expected to prepare individuals and communities by giving them the capability to adapt and to respond. This publication contributes to rethinking education and learning in this context. It builds on one of…

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Migration Strategies of Recent Polish Migrants to England and Wales: Do They Have Any At All?

Debates have persisted about the character of the East-West population flows that followed the EU expansions. Some of the discussions surround the extent to which the mobility has been temporal and hence how likely these migrants are to settle permanently or to stay for long periods in host countries. This paper enhances the understanding of…

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Direct Participation and Employee Learning at Work

The creation of a learning environment at work has been seen as an essential concomitant of the growth of an advanced economy. This article explores the implications of direct participation for different types of employee learning, drawing upon the British Skills and Employment Surveys of 2006 and 2012. It confirms that direct participation is strongly…

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Mwslemiaid yn y Gymru wledig: datgysylltiad, ffydd a pherthyn

Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, rhoddwyd tipyn o sylw i brofiadau carfannau lleiafrifol sy’n cael eu gwthio i’r ymylon mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Serch hynny, prin yw’r sylw a roddir i garfannau crefyddol mewn rhanbarthau gwledig. Y mae’r prinder sylw hwn yn syndod o ystyried y sylw a roddir i grefydd mewn materion yn ymwneud ag amlddiwylliannedd a dinasyddiaeth gynhwysol. Trafoda’r…

Journal Cover
Fits, misfits and interactions: learning at work, job satisfaction and job-related well-being

The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm has focused attention on the importance of aligning employees’ needs with the requirements of the jobs they do. This article focuses on how these needs and requirements interact in terms of learning. It does so in two ways. First, it develops new survey instruments to capture the learning…

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Organized out of politics? Parliamentary scrutiny of the substantive representation of women in UK governments’ legislative programmes 1945-2012

The present analysis heeds recent calls for a refocusing and reconceptualising of the substantive representation of women (SRW). It examines the parliamentary scrutiny of Westminster governments’ legislative programmes. The findings show that whilst the proportion of SRW legislative proposals remains small (<1%), there has been a substantial increase in the amount of attention/visibility given to…

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Grandfatherhood: Shifting Masculinities in Later Life

Drawing on qualitative interview data, this article examines how grandfatherhood relates to the assertion and transformation of masculinities in later life. Recent attention to ageing and masculinities has identified how older men are challenged to succeed in maintaining connections to hegemonic masculinity in light of altered family and life circumstances. We consider men’s engagement with…