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Report cover
Overview of the Widening Access Database

The quantitative strand of the project will use a linked database of school and student records that has already been prepared by the Welsh Government. This database (subsequently referred to as the Widening Access Database) is based upon four linked administrative data-sets: the National Pupil Database (NPD) for Wales (including Pupil Level Annual Schools Census…

Report cover
What is ‘widening access’ to higher education? A review of approaches adopted by HEIs and colleges in Wales to ‘widening access’ to HE

Despite major expansion of higher education (HE) in the UK over recent decades individuals from the least socially advantaged backgrounds continue to enter HE at lower rates than their more advantaged counterparts (Christie et al, 2005; Croll and Attwood 2013), and when they do, they enter less prestigious HEIs (Ball et al 2002, Reay et…

Journal Cover
Is there a crisis in Welsh education?

The current state of Welsh education has become a matter of widespread concern in recent years. Certainly, many of those outside Wales have formed a view of Welsh education that is extremely unfavourable. For example, following a series of well-publicised clashes between representatives of the two governments, the UK Government has made clear its belief…

Book cover
Economic Entanglements and the Re-shaping of Place in the Global Countryside

This chapter reveals theories which are in favour of successful innovation activity occurring independently from the prerequisite of density and immediate proximity. Furthermore, the following literature study discusses the extent to which relatively agglomeration-based theoretical components might be reasonably transferable to rural areas. The chapter aims to find and assess empirical evidence with which to…

British Journal of Sociology 64(4)
Self, Career and Nationhood: The Contrasting Aspirations of British and French Elite Graduates

There is increasing interest in the emergence of a ‘global middle class’ in which high achieving young graduates increasingly look to develop careers that transcend national boundaries. This paper explores this issue through comparing and contrasting the aspirations and orientations of two ‘elite’ cohorts of graduates. Interviews with students at the University of Oxford, England,…

Journal Cover
Make do and mend after redundancy at Anglesey Aluminium: critiquing human capital approaches to unemployment

This article tracks workers responses to redundancy and impact on the local labour market and regional unemployment policy after the closure of a large employer, Anglesey Aluminium (AA), on Anglesey in North Wales. It questions human capital theory (HCT) and its influence on sustaining neo-liberal policy orthodoxy focused on supplying skilled and employable workers in…

Journal Cover
Editorial: Special issue on spatial analytical approaches in urban fire management

Introduction Urban fires are an important public health and safety concern. Despite the fact we no longer suffer single fire events with the scale of the great fires of Rome, London or Constantinople, worldwide we continue to experience in excess of 300,000 fire-related deaths per annum. The vast majority of these fire deaths occur in…