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Report Cover
Modelling Access to Higher Education: an evaluation of previous approaches

Access to higher education (HE) has become an extremely controversial area of policy, as successive UK administrations have sought to balance increasing student fees with ensuring that HE is open to individuals from as wide a range of social backgrounds as possible. There have also been numerous initiatives that have sought to increase participation by…

Presentation Cover
The Labour Market Implications of Changes in the Public Sector: Inequality and Work Quality

Major Objectives To examine the on going consequences of the deficit reduction programme on measures of labour market inequality To explore the nature of regional variation in public-private sector pay To consider the intrinsic quality of work in the public sector and private sectors of the economy The study is based on the secondary analysis…

Report Cover
Well-being, Insecurity and Attitudes to Work in Wales: Results from the Skills and Employment Survey 2012

Attitudinal data on the experience of work and the intrinsic quality of work in Wales are relatively rare. This report offers unique insights into the stresses and strains of work, the attitudes of workers towards employment and who they work for, and the fear of job loss.

Book cover
Class and health inequalities in later life

For over sixty years significant research activity has addressed the extent to which the effects of social class over the life-course have determined or contributed to an individual’s economic and social fate in old age. This has led to the elaboration and discussion of a whole host of conceptual and measurement issues among a growing…

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Job Skills, Qualification Use and Training in Wales: Results from the Skills and Employment Survey 2012

Work is an important feature of the modern Welsh economy. A lot is known about pay, but less is known about other features of work such as what skills do jobs require, how relevant are qualifications for work, and how does training and learning compare with other parts of Britain. This report provides some answers.

Journal Cover
Rhizomic Radicalism and Arborescent Advocacy: A Deleuzo-Guattarian Reading of Rural Protest

It has become commonplace to describe new social movements as ‘rhizomic’ in form, yet the full implications of this metaphor are rarely teased out, and the corollary that other political organisations are arborescent in form has been largely neglected in social science research. In this paper we employ Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of rhizomic and…

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Redistribution, Recognition and Representation: The Journey of the Fight Against Social Injustice and Changes in Educational Policy

This paper argues that New Labour’s ‘Third Way’ project – and the chaos that ensued – can only be understood by grasping the longstanding, complex and intimate relationship between education and the middle class. Drawing on empirical data from ongoing investigations into the allegiances of the middle class, the paper shows how New Labour’s desire…

Journal Cover
Guest Editorial: Regional World(s): Advancing the Geography of Regions

But what, after all, is ‘the regional’? A region can be as largeas the European peninsula. Within the political enterprisethat is the European Union, however, regions subdivide acontinent already sliced up into nation-states – and eventhen what counts as a region is far from certain. Accordingto the latest Map of European Regions, a region might…