
WISERD Supports National Festival of Social Science

WISERD is pleased to support two events as part of the annual Festival of Social Science run by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The week-long festival (29 October – 5 November),  now in its ninth year, celebrates some of the country’s leading social science research, showcasing the valuable work of the UK’s social scientists…

ESRC Festival of Social Science 2011 ‘Who Are We?’ – South Wales students becoming quantitative social scientists for a day

Talk of numbers with school teachers, most immediately think of their MAT (more able and talented) students who can ‘do maths’, but where does the social science bit come in? On Wed 2nd November, in our ESRC Festival of Social Science event ‘Who are we? From local to global citizen’, we took on the challenge…

New Convenor of the Language, Citizenship and Identity Thematic Reference Group

We are very pleased to announce that Dr Rhys Jones of Aberystwyth University is the new convenor of WISERD’s Language, Citizenship and Identity thematic reference group. Dr Jones succeeds Professor Graham Day of the School of Social Sciences at Bangor University. We would like to thank Professor Day for steering the group and for his…

Evaluating the Foundation Phase

WISERD wins £1M to evaluate “one of the most important educational policies since devolution in Wales” Researchers based at Cardiff University have secured a £1M bid – commissioned by the Welsh Government – to evaluate the Foundation Phase early years education policy. The high-profile team, led by researchers at the Wales Institute of Social and…

Biomapping Research Presented at International Conference

An innovative biomapping research project funded by WISERD was presented at the recent Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Conference in London (31st August – 2nd September 2011). The annual event is the second largest geography conference in the world, attracting 1300 speakers and 1500 delegates. The research, devised and constructed by Dr…

Beta Test The New WISERD Geoportal Software

An exciting project at WISERD is encouraging social science researchers to test and review new geoportal software. The WISERD Geoportal (WGP) initiative aims to develop a web-based software application to enhance a researcher’s ability to discover socio-economic research data relating to Wales. Run by the WISERD Data Integration Team, the WGP hopes to encourage collaborative…

Mini-Projects Announced As Part Of The Second Phase Of The WISERD Research Programme

As part of the second phase of the research programme, WISERD researchers have begun working on a series of mini-projects. These projects build on existing research undertaken by WISERD to date and enable further analysis of key themes and issues identified during the first phase of the WISERD research programme. The projects are diverse in…

Update on the Localities Research Programme

Knowing Localities, the WISERD localities programme, is an integral part of the research being undertaken by WISERD. A key activity undertaken by the localities team over the past 24 months has been the stakeholder interview programme.  With the fieldwork now fully completed, and second stage analysis fully underway, WISERD research staff (and a wider tranche…

WISERD Director Elected Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales

Professor Gareth Rees has been elected to the Fellowship of the Learned Society of Wales in the most recent round of nominations. Fellows are elected to the Society for demonstrating a record of excellence and achievement in academia and for making distinguished contributions to the world of learning that are used by other learned societies….

Audio Walks Project Helping Young People Engage With Their Community

Residents of Grangetown in Cardiff are being encouraged to explore their neighbourhood through producing audio walks. The ongoing ‘Sounding the Way’ project funded by Beacon for Wales, is led by Dr Kate Moles of WISERD Cardiff and Angharad Saunders of Glamorgan University in conjunction with Voluntary Action Cardiff. As one of the more deprived areas…