
WISERD 2013 Conference – Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for the fourth annual WISERD conference is now open. The WISERD 2013 Conference will take place on 25th and 26th June at the University of Glamorgan, attracting colleagues from academic, policy, public, private and third sectors. Following on from three successful events in Cardiff, Swansea and Bangor; the WISERD conference has become…

WISERD Hosts Qualitative GIS Symposium at the Association of American Geographers’ Annual Meeting

WISERD recently co-organised a special symposium on Qualitative GIS at the 2012 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) in New York.  The AAG conference is one of the largest in the world, attracting an average 7000-8000 international participants. The symposium was organised by Stephen Burgess (WISERD, Cardiff); Mei-Po Kwan (Ohio State University);…

Cynhadledd bwysig ar y gwyddorau cymdeithasol yn dod i Gogledd Cymru

Bydd un o’r digwyddiadau pwysicaf yng nghalendr y gwyddorau cymdeithasol ar gyfer pobl sy’n ymwneud â materion cymdeithasol ac economaidd yng Nghymru yn teithio i Fangor wythnos nesaf. Bydd trydedd cynhadledd flynyddol Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd, Data a Dulliau Cymru (WISERD) yn dwyn ynghyd ymchwilwyr y gwyddorau cymdeithasol, gwleidyddion, myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig a chynrychiolwyr o’r…

‘Who Are We?’ – South Wales students become quantitative social scientists for a day

In collaboration with the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) and the Cardiff School of Social Sciences , funded by the ESRC (Ref: RES-622-26-368) Talk of numbers with school teachers, most immediately think of their MAT (more able and talented) students who can ‘do maths’, but where does the social…

ESRC Festival of Social Science 2011 ‘Who Are We?’ – South Wales students becoming quantitative social scientists for a day

Talk of numbers with school teachers, most immediately think of their MAT (more able and talented) students who can ‘do maths’, but where does the social science bit come in? On Wed 2nd November, in our ESRC Festival of Social Science event ‘Who are we? From local to global citizen’, we took on the challenge…

Biomapping Research Presented at International Conference

An innovative biomapping research project funded by WISERD was presented at the recent Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Conference in London (31st August – 2nd September 2011). The annual event is the second largest geography conference in the world, attracting 1300 speakers and 1500 delegates. The research, devised and constructed by Dr…

Beta Test The New WISERD Geoportal Software

An exciting project at WISERD is encouraging social science researchers to test and review new geoportal software. The WISERD Geoportal (WGP) initiative aims to develop a web-based software application to enhance a researcher’s ability to discover socio-economic research data relating to Wales. Run by the WISERD Data Integration Team, the WGP hopes to encourage collaborative…

WISERD Academic to Present Qualitative Data Generation Techniques at London South Bank

WISERD Cardiff Localities Co-ordinator, will discuss her research into hypermedia techniques in the generation of qualitative data at a seminar at London South Bank University on Tuesday 21st June 2011. The seminar, entitled ‘Using Digital Technologies in the Generation of Data’, will bring together a range of inter-disciplinary researchers, consultants and practitioners from a variety…