
Cynhadledd bwysig ar y gwyddorau cymdeithasol yn dod i Gogledd Cymru

Bydd un o’r digwyddiadau pwysicaf yng nghalendr y gwyddorau cymdeithasol ar gyfer pobl sy’n ymwneud â materion cymdeithasol ac economaidd yng Nghymru yn teithio i Fangor wythnos nesaf. Bydd trydedd cynhadledd flynyddol Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd, Data a Dulliau Cymru (WISERD) yn dwyn ynghyd ymchwilwyr y gwyddorau cymdeithasol, gwleidyddion, myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig a chynrychiolwyr o’r…

‘Brain drain alarm as many who study in Wales leave’ – Wales Online

Front page news! The report into graduate mobility that found Wales has lower retention rates with regards to the proportion of students studying and staying to find work in Wales is the lead story in the Western Mail. The online copy, published by Wales Online, can be found through this link.  

WISERD Research on Welsh Graduate Mobility Makes Front Page News

A recent project on Welsh graduate mobility by WISERD researchers has been featured on the front page of the Western Mail today (January 5th 2012). The research project – ‘Stay, leave or return? Patterns of Welsh Graduate mobility’– was undertaken in collaboration with the ESRC Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (SKOPE) and investigated the nature…

WISERD Researchers Involved in Projects Funded by Economic Research Grants

The Welsh Government has announced that it will be supporting four research studies into the economy of Wales by awarding them with Economic Research Grants. These grants have been designed to help develop research capacity and widen knowledge of the economy in Wales by encouraging innovative, smaller-scale economic research. Researchers at WISERD will be involved…

WISERD Conference 2011: “A Major ‘Shop Window’ for Social Science Research in Wales”

On 28th and 29th June 2011 colleagues from across the WISERD partner Universities, invited speakers, representatives of voluntary organisations, postgraduate students and representatives from the public sector met in Swansea to present their work at the second WISERD conference. Over 140 delegates attended what is quickly becoming established as the major ‘shop window’ for social…

Film Screening Opens WISERD Conference

A special screening of Dr Gideon Koppel’s award-winning film Sleep Furiously, introduced by the Director himself, will be the preamble to the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods’ (WISERD) annual conference, held in Swansea next week. The screening, followed by a Q&A session with Dr Koppel, will take place at Swansea…

An Anatomy of Economic Inequality in Wales Report Launched

On the 12th May 2011 a report entitled An Anatomy of Inequality in Wales, written by WISERD researchers for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), was launched in Cardiff. The launch of the report, which has been described as ‘landmark’, had substantial coverage from a number of Welsh media outlets, including the BBC and…