
WISERD visits University of Paris 1, Panthéon-La Sorbonne

Professor W. John Morgan visited the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-La Sorbonne this week, at the personal invitation of Professor Georges Haddad, the University’s President, to discuss his Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship research on ‘UNESCO and the Cultural Cold War: International Intellectual Co-operation or Soft Power?’ Professor Haddad was formerly Director of the Division of Higher…

My Erasmus placement at WISERD

  I am a PhD student in Sociology at the University of Brasilia. Through the Erasmus+ programme, I spent six months on a research placement at the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University. I have been based in the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). At WISERD I had…

Are Millennials a generation of volunteers?

When we talk about the benefits of volunteering this is usually in relation to young people. Most organisations promote volunteering opportunities to young people; ‘good news’ stories in the media about volunteering focus on the activities of young citizens; and government interventions to increase participation are usually focused on school initiatives (such as the Welsh…

WISERD researchers secure places at the 2019 GW4 Crucible

Three WISERD researchers – Constantino Dumangane, Wil Chivers and Ian Thomas – have successfully secured places on the 2019 GW4 Crucible. The GW4 Crucible is a competitive annual programme that seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between early career researchers from Cardiff, Bristol, Bath and Exeter universities. This year’s programme comprises three two-day residential labs. 30…

Volunteering in the UK: How can we compare across nations?

A long-standing challenge for charities, policy-makers, think tanks and academics interested in volunteering in the UK has been identifying how and why rates of volunteering might vary across the four countries within it. This matters not only for those interested in how the distinct histories, communities and cultures of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland…

WISERD and Indian partner deliver workshop on civil society and good governance in New Delhi

    Leading academics presented as part of a two-day workshop held by WISERD and the Indian Institute of Technology, in New Delhi on 24 and 25th January. The event, ‘Civil Society and Good Governance’, was part of a project funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Global Challenges Research Fund and led by…

Praying on Brexit: Christianity and Euroscepticism in Britain

On 23rd June 2016, UK voters delivered one of the greatest shocks to British politics by voting 52% to 48% in favour of Brexit. The closeness of the result masked the depth of difference between the moral, political and social values held by those on each side. These differences continue to be a source of…

New Fellowship at the National Assembly for Wales

WISERD researcher, Dr David Dallimore, from the School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences at Bangor University has been awarded a Fellowship at the National Assembly for Wales. During 2019 he will be working with the Assembly Research Service to provide information about early childhood education and care (ECEC). Policy in this area has developed…

The ‘Youthquake’ plot thickens…

Earlier this month we saw an interesting development in the study of young people’s engagement with politics in the form of Professor Will Jennings and Professor Patrick Sturgis’ excellent analysis of Understanding Society data, which led them to argue that there was, in fact, a youthquake in the 2017 general election. As soon as the…