
Trade Unions and Social Media

This project is currently considering the potential value of an analysis of virtual patterns of trade union organisation and mobilisation and specifically the contribution of social media to the rescaling of trade unionism. This includes both: the virtual linkages of the trade union movement with other forms of social and political activism; and the virtual…

Where does the money go when your local authority pays more than £500 per week for a care home bed?

Everyone’s agreed that there is a crisis in adult social care and the sector needs more money but no one has looked into where and with whom the money ends up. A new CRESC public interest report titled Where does the money go? The financialised chains and the crisis in social care shows uses follow-the-money research to show how…

What’s in a name? How family carers understand dementia

  The ‘Prime Minister’s challenge on dementia 2020’ focuses on the need to improve the public’s awareness of dementia; one common misconception about dementia is that it is a normal part of ageing. Another area identified in the report is the need to improve diagnosis rates, with current figures indicating that only 59% of those…

Jeremy Corbyn’s youth appeal: His support risks becoming dominated by people who won’t vote for him

On 19th January both the Labour Party’s internal report into the reason for its defeat in the 2015 general election, as well as the British Polling Council’s interim report looking at why the opinion polls had so spectacularly failed to predict the result, were published. A common theme in both documents was the over-dependence of both…