
Shaping The Labour Party Conference

Location: Alun Buildings, Bangor University Dates: 23rd March 2015 – Start: 10:00am, Finish: 7:00pm 24th March 2015 –  Start: 9:00am, Finish: 3:30pm Overview: To commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the election of the first majority Labour government in 1945, the School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology will be hosting a conference on the history of the Labour…

Julian Tudor Hart Lecture 2014

In collaboration with Public Health Wales, the Cardiff School of Social Science, WISERD and CISHeW View the film of the 2014 lecture ‘Include Me Out. Exclude You In: imagining the future of primary care’ presented by Professor Graham Watt, Norrie Miller Professor of General Practice University of Glasgow. Professor Watt’s slides cover some of the…

WISERD’s Civil Society Research Centre: Reflections on the official launch

On Thursday 5th February, 2015, WISERD celebrated the official launch of its flagship Civil Society Research Centre. WISERD’s Director Ian Rees Jones reflects upon a successful event. I spent a nervous few days prior to the WISERD Civil Society Research Centre launch. I wondered whether we would have an audience, hoped all the speakers would arrive safely, and fretted over…

Exposing the Welfare Myth of Them and Us

A new book by John Hills explores key issues in the current debate about ‘welfare’ and the welfare state. The debate contrasts a stagnant group of people benefiting from it all with the rest who pay in and get nothing back – ‘skivers’ against ‘strivers’. John explains how, because people’s lives and circumstances change, most…

WISERD Civil Society Research Centre Launch – In Pictures

On Thursday 5th February, 2015, WISERD’s flagship Civil Society Research Centre enjoyed its official launch. The event was attended by some of the world’s foremost academics, public and policy stakeholders, and civil society organisations. Speakers included: Ruth Marks (MBE), Chief Executive of the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA); Rhodri Morgan, former First Minister for Wales;…

The Foundation Phase Evaluation – an update

Since the publication in mid-January of the second report on educational outcomes using national administrative data was published, the Foundation Phase has been under considerable media scrutiny. Over the past three years WISERD has undertaken an independent evaluation for the Welsh Government of the Foundation Phase for three to seven year olds in Wales, and will soon be making its…

High Class Discontent: Economic Insecurity and UKIP Support

This blog was originally featured on the British Election Study website. Academic analysis and media commentary have shifted the emphasis in explaining United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) support away from Tory voter defectors towards working class voters, and potential Labour supporters. This was a good corrective to earlier emphases. But has the new focus on…