
WISERD New Starters – Part 3

In the last few of months, we have welcomed several new members of staff to WISERD, to work on a variety of new and existing projects. This week we’ll be focusing on a Bangor based member of staff – Dr Sara Wheeler. Here, she tells us a bit about her backgrounds, research interests, and what she’ll be doing at WISERD.  Dr Sara Wheeler I…

WISERD New Starters – Part 2 Natalie Richards Natalie Richards

In the last few of months, we have welcomed several new members of staff to WISERD, to work on a variety of new and existing projects. This week we’ll be focusing on two Cardiff based members of staff – Dr Martijn Hogerbrugge and Dr Luke Cowie. Here, they tell us a bit about their backgrounds, research interests, and what they’ll be doing at WISERD.  Dr…

WISERD research forms key part of the Welsh Government’s ‘Successful Future’s’ report

Research conducted by WISERD has formed a key element of the Welsh Government commissioned “Successful Futures” report, written by Professor Graham Donaldson, which proposes a radical overhaul of the national curriculum in Wales. The report can be read by following the link below.

WISERD New Starters – Part 1

In the last few of months, we have welcomed several new members of staff to WISERD, to work on a variety of new and existing projects. This week we’ll be focusing on two Cardiff based members of staff – Dr Sioned Pearceand Dr Dan Evans. Here, they tell us a bit about their backgrounds, research interests, and what they’ll be doing at WISERD. …

Is Education Wasted on the Young?

The following discussion provided the basis of some opening remarks Professor Chris Taylor was invited to give at the launch of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, led by NIACE Cymru with support from the Welsh Government and Big Lottery Fund Wales, on 10thFebruary 2015, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff. This first event involved a panel discussion on ‘Is education…

Shaping The Labour Party Conference

Location: Alun Buildings, Bangor University Dates: 23rd March 2015 – Start: 10:00am, Finish: 7:00pm 24th March 2015 –  Start: 9:00am, Finish: 3:30pm Overview: To commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the election of the first majority Labour government in 1945, the School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology will be hosting a conference on the history of the Labour…

Julian Tudor Hart Lecture 2014

In collaboration with Public Health Wales, the Cardiff School of Social Science, WISERD and CISHeW View the film of the 2014 lecture ‘Include Me Out. Exclude You In: imagining the future of primary care’ presented by Professor Graham Watt, Norrie Miller Professor of General Practice University of Glasgow. Professor Watt’s slides cover some of the…