Prosiectau Ymchwil

Data a Dulliau

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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 17 canlyniad
New Emerging Citizenship Regimes

New Emerging Citizenship Regimes explores five citizenship ideal types (Pandemic, Algorithmic, Liquid, Metropolitan, and Stateless) stemming from critical/radical social innovation perspective by employing fieldwork action research in six specific city-regional cases. COVID-19 has hit European citizens dramatically, not only creating a general risk-driven environment encompassing a wide array of economic vulnerabilities but also exposing them…

Parhad dysgu yng Nghymru: Dadansoddiad ‘byw’ o ddysgu ar-lein

Crynodeb Mae Cymru yn unigryw oherwydd bod ganddi blatfform digidol cenedlaethol ar gyfer addysgu a dysgu ar-lein – Hwb ( Mae hyn yn golygu bod bron pob plentyn mewn ysgolion a gynhelir yng Nghymru yn mewngofnodi ac yn defnyddio Hwb i gael mynediad at ddeunyddiau dysgu a ddarperir iddynt gan ysgolion ac athrawon. Bydd y…

WISERD Lab Data Addsyg

The WISERD Education Data Lab uses adminstrative data and advanced statistical methods to quantify trends in educational outcomes across Wales.   Projects: Participation in and Progression Through Education in Wales A Geospatial Analysis of the Factors Shaping Educational Outcomes in Wales Does timing matter? Exploring the timing and impact of receiving Additional Learning Needs support…

Deall Lleoedd Cymreig

  Trosolwg Gwefan yw Deall Lleoedd Cymru a’i nod yw bod y pwynt cyswllt cyntaf er mwyn cael gwybodaeth ystadegol am drefi a chymunedau yng Nghymru. Mae cyfran sylweddol o bobl yng Nghymru yn byw mewn trefi a chymunedau bychain. Fodd bynnag, mae polisi cyhoeddus yn esgeuluso lleoedd o’r fath yn rhy aml. Er bod cyllid…

YDG Cymru

Ymchwil Data Gweinyddol y Deyrnas Unedig (ADR UK) Mae’r ESRC, fel rhan o UKRI, yn ariannu buddsoddiad pwysig newydd mewn seilwaith ymchwil i wneud y gorau o botensial data gweinyddol i fod yn adnodd ar gyfer ymchwil o safon uchel yn y DU. – Ymchwil Data Gweinyddol y DU (ADR UK).  Nod ADR UK yw…

Administrative Data Research Centre Wales (ADRC)

About the Centre The main aim of ADRC WALES was to create a world-class administrative data research centre, known for its ability to access, link and make safe use of data for high quality research. Our work was underpinned by a robust Governance framework. ADRC Wales objectives were to: Provide powerful, robust, state-of-the art data linkage and data…

Porth Data WISERD

Mae porth data WISERD DataPortal yn gymhwysiad ar y we sy’n gwella gallu ymchwilwyr i chwilio, darganfod, mapio a lawrlwytho data ymchwil economaidd-gymdeithasol sy’n ymwneud â Chymru. Y nod yw annog ymchwilwyr i ailddefnyddio ac ail-bwrpasu data sydd eisoes yn bodoli. Pwy a’i datblygodd? Datblygwyd Porth Data WISERD gan Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd Cymru a…


QUANT@C is an innovative group within the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University. The aim of the group is to research and develop new pedagogic strategies for student engagement with quantitative methods in the social sciences. The ESRC Research Development Initiative (RDI) project aimed to train quantitative social science teachers, increasing the number of…

Welsh Government Evidence Symposia

Overview This project was aimed at improving the linkages between research evidence and policy development in Wales (and elsewhere). It was based on a partnership between WISERD and the Welsh Government (WG); and involved the development of four Evidence Symposia, each of which focused on a key policy theme. Each Symposium brought together leading researchers…

Welsh Government Fellowship

Overview The UK Strategy for Data Resources for Social and Economic Research (referred to as the National Data Strategy – NDS) sought to identify, prioritise and assist in the development of and access to research data.  It provided a strategy for how different organisations can work with the research community to ‘maximise the research potential of existing…

Evaluation of the 2006-2011 Census Programme

The Census of the Population remains a key element of the quantitative research undertaken by the social science community in the UK. It provides an essential snapshot of socio-economic circumstances in the UK and is fundamental to research in many disciplines since it allows for certain types of investigation on issues (e.g. small areas and…

WISERD Training & Capacity Building Programme 2008-11

The WISERD training and research capacity building programme was established in September 2009 with two objectives. The first was the implementation of a training programme, aimed primarily at professional researchers within the social sciences, and encompassing colleagues from other disciplinary areas and sectors. The second was to identify, encourage and facilitate networking between social science…