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Eurasian geography and economics journal cover
The Cold War from the Margins: A Small Socialist State on the Global Cultural Scene

Eurasian Geography and Economics Forthcoming 2022 A book review of The Cold War from the margins: a small socialist state on the global cultural scene, by Theodora K. Dragostinova, Cornell University Press, 2021. There is a voluminous literature on the 20th century Cold War between the socialist Soviet Union and the capitalist United States of America…

Journal Cover
COVID-19 and the labour market outcomes of disabled people in the UK

The economic impact of COVID-19 has exacerbated inequalities in society, but disability has been neglected. This paper contributes to this knowledge gap by providing a comprehensive analysis of the differential labour market impact of COVID-19 by disability in the UK. Using data from the Labour Force Survey before and during the pandemic it estimates disability gaps in pre-pandemic…

Justifying Secession in Catalonia: Resolving Grievances or a Means to a Better Future?
Justifying Secession in Catalonia: Resolving Grievances or a Means to a Better Future?

This article advances understandings of secessionist strategies by examining how and why secessionist movements make the case for creating a new sovereign state. It draws on new empirical data to examine the ways in which pro-independence parties in Catalonia have justified their calls for the creation of an independent Catalan Republic between 2008 and 2018….

Journal cover
Psychological Processes in Adapting to Dementia: Illness Representations Among the IDEAL Cohort

How people understand and adapt to living with dementia may influence well-being. Leventhal’s Common Sense Model (CSM) of Self-Regulation provides a theoretical basis for exploring this process. We used cross-sectional and longitudinal data from 1,109 people with mild-to-moderate dementia in the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) cohort. We elicited dementia representations (DRs) using the…

Population Data Science for COVID 19
A population level study of SARS-CoV-2 prevalence amongst people experiencing homelessness in Wales, UK

Prior research into the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection amongst people experiencing homelessness (PEH) largely relates to people in communal forms of temporary accommodation in contexts where this type of accommodation remained a major part of the response to homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Little is known about the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 amongst PEH more broadly,…

Local Civil Society Book Cove
Local Civil Society: Time, Place and Boundaries

Civil Society Book Series 2021 Drawing on place-based field investigations and new empirical analysis, this original book investigates civil society at local level. The concept of civil society is contested and multifaceted, and this text offers assessment and clarification of debates concerning the intertwining of civil society, the state and local community relations. Analysing two…

Cover of The Rohingya Crisis Human Rights Issues, Policy Concerns and Burden Sharing
‘Situated Knowledge’ – Exploring Civil Society Views on the Rohingya Crisis

The Rohingyas have become a ‘crisis’ for all including the host countries, the international community and even for themselves. Much has been written about the clearance operation perpetrated by Myanmar military forces and vigilantes in 2017, forcing Rohingya survivors to migrate and seek refuge in other countries. How they have been surviving during the post-2017…

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Digital Citizenship in the Post-Pandemic Urban Realm

Emerging technologies are fundamentally reshaping the institution of citizenship and the role of cities. This panel will feature research that seeks to understand the challenges that emerging technologies pose to the institution of citizenship. It will discuss the impacts of emerging technologies on citizens, on the role of institutions, corporations, and states in shaping civic…

Journal of Urban Affairs
People-Centered Smart Cities: An Exploratory Action Research on the Cities’ Coalition for Digital Rights

Declarations and manifestos have emerged across the world claiming to protect citizens’ digital rights. Data-driven technologies in global cities not only have yielded techno-euphoria but also have intensified techno-political concerns as reflected in UN-Habitat’s flagship program called “People-Centered Smart Cities” (PCSC) that advocates the willingness to promote inclusiveness while subverting the technocratic smart city meaning….

Peace Review 32(4) front cover
No One is an Island at a Time of Pandemic

Professor John Morgan, together with Dr Ana Zimmermann of the University of São Paulo, Brazil,  has published ‘No One is an Island at a Time of Pandemic’ in a special issue of Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice on the social and cultural impact of COVID-19. The article considers the fundamental ethical question of how responsibility for the…