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Disclosure control for regression outputs

Disclosure detection and control for analytical outputs is an almost unexplored field. However, with the increase in access to detailed microdata, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to quantify exactly what the risks are from allowing, for example, regression coefficients to be released. This paper looks in detail at the risks of linear…

Safeguarding children and young people in local communities: A WISERD Local Knowledge in Context project

This study, carried out between 2009 and 2011, was set within the context of the safeguarding children policy agenda, particularly the notion that child protection is ‘everybody’s business’. The research aimed to explore everyday safeguarding of children at neighbourhood level, including how safeguarding is seen, experienced and carried out by residents, community leaders and professionals….

International Access to Restricted Data – A Principles-Based Standards Approach

Access to restricted microdata for research is increasingly part of the data dissemination strategy within countries, made possible by improvements in technology and changes in the risk-benefit perceptions of NSIs. For international data sharing, relatively little progress has been made. Recent developments in Germany, the Netherlands and the US are notable as exceptions. This paper…

Parliament UK logo on white background
Individual Electoral Registration and Electoral Administration

This evidence specifically relates to the Committee’s work in relation to the reviews of polling places. It urges the Committee to consider not simply the important issue of accessibility in terms of physical access to the polling station by disabled people but also accessibility in terms of distance to travel by all electors in a…

Report Cover
Welsh Graduate Mobility: Full Report

This research report explores Welsh graduate mobility. It seeks to establish the extent to which Wales retains its graduate labour in employment; to estimate the labour market outcomes for „Welsh‟ graduates (i.e. those born in Wales) and to investigate whether and how these may change and what factors may become more significant over time. In…

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The National Assembly for Wales Elections of 2011: Report to the Electoral Commission

The elections were fought on the basis of the same constituency and region boundaries as the previous NAW elections in 2007 The number of constituency candidates fell to 176 compared to 197 in 2007 Thirteen parties or groups were represented in the regional lists together with 1 individual Labour won 28 out of the 40…

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The 2010 European Social Fund Leavers Survey

The aim of the 2010 ESF Leavers Survey is to assist in assessing the effectiveness of labour market interventions delivered under ESF. Telephone interviews were conducted with 7,500 people who had left an ESF project delivered under Priorities 2 and 3 of the Convergence Programme and Priorities 1 and 2 of the Competitiveness Programme during…

Informal care and labour market outcomes within England and Wales

This paper focuses on the links between informal care provision and labour market activity at the sub-national level within the UK. Within-country analysis of this issue has been very limited to date despite the wide regional variations in informal care provision that are often present. This issue is important in the context of policy decisions…

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Welsh Speakers and Welsh Language Provision in the Public Sector: A Report from the Stakeholder Interview Series

This report presents findings from Stakeholder Interview data relating to the position of Welsh speakers and Welsh Language provision within the public sector. The main aim of the report is to inform further investigations planned by WISERD researchers on Welsh speakers and the labour market in Wales1. There has been little previous research in this…