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Book cover
Regionalisation and civil society in a time of austerity: the cases of Manchester and Sheffield

Within the UK and further afield, the spatial delineation of the ‘city-region’ has seen a renaissance as the de facto spatial political unit of governance driven by economic development. This spatial realignment has been central to the construction of Northern Powerhouse and has rested alongside other agendas such as devolution, localism and austerity. The chapter…

Ethnopolitics 16(5)
Comparative Analysis of State and Civil Society Discourse on Human Rights Implementation and the Position of Roma in the Former Yugoslav Space

This study analyses the position of Roma people in the former Yugoslavia using state and civil society discourse on human rights implementation. It reveals that states are failing to give sufficient prioritisation to tackling longstanding discrimination and oppression. Instead of positive the effects predicted by complementarity theory, the findings reveal ‘frame dis-alignment’ between political elites…

Cover photo of story map
Storymap: The Making and Remaking of a Cane Countryside

This StoryMap is based on research for the GLOBAL-RURAL projected funded by a European Research Council Advanced Grant at Aberystwyth University. Research was conducted in October and November 2014, with information sourced from the Factiva newspaper archive, and books, reports and other documents in Nambour Public Library, the State Library of Queensland, the Queensland University…

Journal cover
Connected growth: Developing a framework to drive inclusive growth across a city-region

This ‘in perspective’ piece addresses the (re-)positioning of civil society within new structures of city-region governance within Greater Manchester. This follows on from the processes of devolution, which have given the Greater Manchester City-Region a number of new powers. UK devolution, to date, has been largely focused upon engendering agglomerated economic growth at the city-region…

Handbook of Education in China

The Handbook of Education in China provides both a comprehensive overview and an original interpretation of key aspects of education in the People’s Republic of China. It has four parts: The Historical Background; The Contemporary Chinese System; Problems and Policies; The Special Administrative Regions: Macau and Hong Kong. The Handbook is an essential reference for…

Story map cover photo
Storymap: Diversity in an Irish Small Town

This StoryMap is based on research for the GLOBAL-RURAL projected funded by a European Research Council Advanced Grant at Aberystwyth University. Interviews were conducted with community leaders, residents and migrants in Ballyhaunis in October 2015 and March 2017., with additional information from newspaper reports (accessed via the Irish Newspaper Archive, Irish Census reports, and books,…

Cover of Social and Cultural Geography
Young people, place and devolved politics: perceived scale(s) of political concerns among under 18s living in Wales

Despite clear linkages between conceptualisations and perceptions of politics, society, culture and territorial rescaling, research into young people’s political engagement, participation and representation is underrepresented in the field of social and cultural geography. Here the gap is addressed using perceptions of devolved politics, as a form of territorial rescaling, among young people living in Wales….

Cover of Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Assessing the Impacts of Changing Public Service Provision on Geographical Accessibility: an examination of public library provision in Pembrokeshire, South Wales

Public libraries make an important contribution to the wellbeing of local people often acting as community hubs by reducing the isolation felt by vulnerable members of society through promoting social interaction and supporting the wider needs of local communities. However, access to libraries is threatened in Wales, as elsewhere in the UK, by uncertainty stemming…