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journal article
The Productivity Gaps in Wales: Evidence from Firm Level Data

Despite continued efforts through improved levels of investment in infrastructure and education, Wales continues to trail behind the rest of the UK in terms of productivity performance. In this paper we review recent trends and present firm-level findings that suggest that the Priority Sectors first identified by the Welsh Government’s latest economic plan have little…

Social and Cultural Geography 13(6)
‘The Country(side) is Angry’: Emotion and Explanation in Protest Mobilization

The role of emotion in social movement mobilization and political protest has received renewed attention in the past decade. However, few, if any, studies have followed the emotional trajectories of activists through their involvement in protest activity. This paper explores the significance of emotion in rural protests in Britain since 1997. Drawing on first-hand and…

Parliamentary Affairs journal front cover
Electoral Politics and the Party Politicisation of Human Rights: The Case of UK Westminster Elections 1945-2010

This exploratory study examines issue salience and the discourse on human rights in the principal parties’ manifestos in UK state-wide Elections 1945–2010. Innovative aspects include the application of combined qualitative and quantitative techniques. These are used to test a series of hypotheses. The findings reveal the nature and extent of the party politicisation of human…

front cover of report
Public Sentiments Towards Immigration in Wales

This is a final report for the Welsh Government New Ideas Social Research Fund project entitled ‘Public Sentiments Towards Immigrants and Minorities: The Difference Wales Makes?’ The aim of this project was to investigate public sentiments in Wales towards immigrants and minorities. The monitoring of what people think about immigrants and minorities has come to…

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(4)
Soft Spaces, Fuzzy Boundaries and Spatial Governance in Post-devolution Wales

This article explores the responses of senior local government actors to the 2004 Wales Spatial Plan and its 2008 update. An example of the so-called ‘new spatial planning’ which has emerged in the movement towards regional devolution in the UK, this planning discourse foregrounds elements of relational thinking that seek to alternatively augment, destabilize and…

Report Cover
An Evaluation of the Women’s Turnaround Service in North Wales: Final Report to NOMS Cymru

This research report, commissioned by NOMS Cymru, evaluates the provision of Women’s Turnaround Services (WTS) by the North Wales Women’s Centre (NWWC), based in Rhyl, North Wales between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011. The Women’s Turnaround Service was piloted in North Wales in May 2009 and fully established by April 2010. The WTS…

Journal covers
Electoral Discourse Analysis of Civil Conflict Resolution: The Case of Northern Ireland in UK Statewide Elections 1970-2010

This paper focuses on the principal parties’ manifestos in UK statewide elections 1970–2010. It makes an original contribution by using a mixed methodology to examine the electoral discourse, issue-salience and policy framing associated with civil conflict resolution (CCR) proposals for Northern Ireland. Mandate and accountability theory suggest that party programmes may play an important role…

Book Cover
Community parenting and the informal safeguarding of children at neighbourhood level

This article explores the notion of ‘community parenting’ in one neighbourhood in South Wales. Community parenting is defined here as parenting that is carried out collectively or between families within a community. Placed within a context of continuing political and practitioner interest in how to understand and enhance parenting in marginalised communities in the United…

Local Government Studies
Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water? The Impact of Coalition Reforms on Identifying Sub-National Transport Priorities in England

The coalition government has set out plans to dismantle the regional tier and return powers to localities and Whitehall departments. These changes will have significant implications for the way in which transport policy is formulated and delivered in England. When in power, New Labour introduced a range of measures to strengthen governance arrangements for promoting…

Journal cover
Sources of variation in trade union membership across the UK: the case of Wales

This article deals with issues relating to trade union density and the fact that while over the past 30 years, union densities have followed a declining path in all regions, this retreat was not uniform across space. Analysis of the Labour Force Survey reveals that Wales exhibits among the highest levels of union density in…