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Using mixed-methods analysis to explore issue representation in parliamentary proceedings

In parliamentary democracies, a key question for citizens and social scientists alike is, “who speaks on behalf of different social groups and on different policy topics?” This informs not only an understanding of how democracy works but also the workings of the formative phase of public policy-making. This allows us to understand a range of…

Cover of "Reanimating Regions"
Reanimating Regions: Culture, Politics and Performance

Writing regions, undertaking a regional study, was once a standard form of geographic communication and critique. This was until the quantitative revolution in the middle of the previous century and more definitively the critical turn in human geography towards the end of the twentieth century. From then on writing regions as they were experienced phenomenologically,…

Cover of "Reanimating Regions"
City-Region Building and Geohistorical Matters

Book chapter in Reanimating Regions, Riding, J. and Jones, M. (eds). This chapter looks at the ‘new new localism’ and suggests the need to now think about the dawn of a ‘new regional geography’. City-region-based agglomerations are currently riding high on the political and policy agenda across the world. Their emergence is not accidental; they are…

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(Re)Assembling Neoliberal Logics in the Service of Climate Justice: Fuzziness and Perverse Consequences in the Fossil Fuel Divestment Assemblage

Socially motivated divestment from the fossil fuel industry is occurring at a rapid rate. Banks, pension funds, universities, and philanthropic organizations around the world are divesting vast amounts of capital. Based on empirical data from face-to-face interviews with key divestment actors in the UK and Australia, this chapter explores the entanglements between the divestment and…

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Variegated neo-liberalism, finance-dominated accumulation and citizenship

This chapter revisits claims in the light of the growing financialisation of social relations and the rise of neo-liberalisation as an economic and political project. It introduces two working definitions and then modifies them to reflect further theoretical arguments and recent empirical trends. The chapter then explores the implications of economic and political changes in…

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Globalization and Rural Areas

Globalization is a major driver of change in contemporary rural areas, involving the multiplication, stretching, and intensification of social, economic, political, and cultural relations over space. Processes such as the integration of the global economy, increased flows of international migration, and a growing global consciousness and standardization of values impact on rural areas affected by…

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New localism, new localities…

This chapter explores theoretical insights into the rhetoric of decentralist discourses and the geographical complexities and contradictions of local state remaking on the ground. It argues that by attempting to link economic and social policy in local contexts, the Government’s new localism is profound and needs to be more fully theorised in undertaking geographical political…

International Encyclopedia of Geography cover
The International Encyclopedia of Geography: Regional Geography

Regions have been central to geography, and the discipline of geography can be traced through the different ways in which “the region” has been interpreted. Geographers have talked about traditional regional geography, the new regional geography, and the new regionalism. The current “new new regional geography” debate centers on whether regions can be seen as…

International Encyclopedia of Geography cover
The International Encyclopedia of Geography: Regulation

Regulation, the process of regulating or being regulated, is a geographical concern. Contra the thought processes of neoclassical economics and the assumptions of equilibrium and optimality, everything else is neither equal nor without hands. The economy, for instance, is not an unmediated outcome of universal and transhistorical processes operating across a featureless and stateless isotropic…