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Our Changing Land - Revisiting Gender, Class and Identity in Contemporary Wales cover
Women and Policy-Making: Devolution, Civil Society and Political Representation

This chapter is part of a collection of essays that put contemporary Wales under the microscope. Examining issues such as class, gender, culture and the Welsh language, Our Changing Land presents a complex and often contradictory picture of a nation. The book also continues a discourse begun over thirty years ago in the 1994 Our Sisters’ Land (edited by Jane Aaron,…

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Curriculum, Culture and Citizenship Education in Wales: Investigations into the Curriculum Cymreig

This book explores how culture and citizenship are theorised, promoted and learned throughout schools in Wales. Following a brief history of Welsh education and a discussion of how contemporary cultural identity is theorised through citizenship education curricula, it illustrates how archaic approaches to understanding cultural identity continue to undermine the development of culturally relevant curriculum in…

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The Developmental State in an Era of Finance-Dominated Accumulation

There have been three main accounts of East Asian export-oriented economic growth in the 1980s: getting prices right, the developmental state (DS), and Confucian capitalism. None is satisfactory and, together, they reproduce the market—state—civil society triplet, which originates in European Enlightenment thinking, and one-sidedly highlight the roots of the miracle in one or other of…

Normative Values in Adult Education and their Contemporary Relevance

“It is a very large question, with philosophical, anthropological, historical and political implications. In consequence and especially given the circumstances and time available, what I have to say will be in three parts. First, I will consider some theoretical concepts, drawn from the disciplines mentioned above. Secondly, I will consider three case studies by way…

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Knowledge of the everyday: Confronting the causes of health inequalities

This chapter challenges the dearth of sociological and political analysis within the health inequalities field, which, the authors argue, is facilitating the current behavioural bias of research, arguing that health inequalities researchers need to pay more attention to the voices of those whose health is most severely affected by inequalities in power and resources. Second,…

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Explaining rural protest: A comparative analysis

This chapter seeks to understand and explain the divergent trajectories of rural protest in different countries of the global north in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Drawing on a series of research projects undertaken since 2001, the chapter proposes that the determination of ‘trigger issues’, the organisational forms adopted by protest movements, and…

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People, places, policies: knowing contemporary Wales through new localities

Set within the context of UK devolution and constitutional change, People, Places and Policy offers important and interesting insights into ‘place-making’ and ‘locality-making’ in contemporary Wales. Combining policy research with policy-maker and stakeholder interviews at various spatial scales (local, regional, national), it examines the historical processes and working practices that have produced the complex political…

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East, West and the Bit in the Middle: Localities in North Wales

This chapter examines ways of understanding and knowing north Wales, which in this instance, constitutes the six local authorities from Wrexham in the east, through Flintshire, Denbighshire, Conwy, Gwynedd, to Anglesey in the west. It encompasses the coastline of north and north west Wales, Snowdonia National Park and deep rural areas to the south of…

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Introducing WISERD localities

It is uncontested that Wales has a relatively short history of administrative devolution when compared to Scotland and Northern Ireland, if not England (see Osmond, 1978). Jenkins’s cutting analysis makes some of this clear: After its conquest by Edward I in 1278, and its incorporation into England three centuries later by the Tudors, it had…

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Reframing the devolved policy landscape in Wales

The constitutional reform programme pursued by the Labour Government following the 1997 General Election fundamentally recast territorial politics and administration within the United Kingdom (UK). The introduction of devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the regional agenda pursued in England and the creation of an elected mayor in London challenged the already somewhat…