
Reflections on ‘The Rise and Fall of Think Tanks in Wales’, by Victoria Winckler from the Bevan Foundation

I have followed WISERD’s civil society project with great interest over the years. There is much for civil society organisations to learn from and to reflect upon in Wales as elsewhere. Yet in all of WISERD’s work there was a gap – and that was on think tanks. I was therefore delighted when WISERD asked…

Why is understanding trade union membership from survey data harder than it might first seem?

Rhys Davies explores how he uncovered problems with official UK government figures on trade union presence and coverage – and how the government recognised and corrected the error.  In a time when trade union membership is decreasing in both the UK and the USA, The decline in union membership has been well documented for many…

Dathlu Ymchwil I’r Gymdeithas Sifil: Pennod Newydd

Yr wythnos hon lansiwyd ein cynllun pum mlynedd ar gyfer ymchwil i’r gymdeithas sifil mewn digwyddiad i randdeiliaid yn y Senedd. Bydd ein hymchwil newydd yn edrych ar anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol ac economaidd, mudo ac amlddiwylliannaeth, yr economi sylfaenol, deinameg newidiol gwaith, a hawliau anifeiliaid a deallusrwydd artiffisial. Mynychodd dros 70 o bobl Dathlu ymchwil i’r…

WISERD’s civil society research the subject of a major new book series

The Series entitled ‘Civil Society and Social Change’ is published by Policy Press and edited by Professors Ian Rees Jones,  Mike Woods  and Paul Chaney.  This timely landmark will extend the field of knowledge, offering new criticality and providing an original set of perspectives on the challenges facing civil society in the twenty-first century. It…

New research reveals rights violations of disabled people in the Commonwealth of Independent States

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, analyses civil society organisations’ (CSOs’)  perspectives on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Over the past decade, the majority of CIS countries have finally ratified the CRPD, offering new rights for the region’s…

Professor John Morgan’s book published in Portuguese

Professor John Morgan’s 2019 book Philosophy, Dialogue, and Education: Nine modern European philosophers (with A. A. Guilherme), Routledge, London and New York, has been translated into Portuguese and published in Brazil by the UNESCO Chair of Youth, Education, and Society, the Catholic University of Brazilia, DF, 2020.

Gender Pay Gap Transparency Legislation in the UK: How have employers responded?

The Equality Act Regulations 2017 required all firms with over 250 employees in the UK to publish their gender pay gap (GPG) annually. This paved the way for employers to focus on causes of and solutions to gender-related wage discrimination. Mandatory GPG reporting was designed to be the first step in helping firms identify their…

Parhau â’n partneriaeth â’r Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Dulliau Ymchwil

Mae WISERD ymhlith y naw canolfan bartner fydd yn parhau i weithio gyda’r Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Dulliau Ymchwil (NCRM), i gyflwyno cyfnod newydd o hyfforddiant arloesol a gweithgareddau cynyddu capasiti. Bydd y rhain yn ymwneud â defnyddio technegau a dulliau ymchwil creiddiol a blaengar. Mae’r newyddion yn dilyn cyhoeddiad heddiw gan y Cyngor Ymchwil…

Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd, Data a Dulliau Cymru (WISERD) yn cynnal cynhadledd ar y cyd â Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Astudiaethau’r Sector Gwirfoddol

Yn ystod mis Tachwedd, cynhaliodd WISERD gynhadledd ar y cyd â Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Astudiaethau’r Sector Gwirfoddol, o dan y teitl ‘Cymdeithas sifil ym mhedair gwlad y Deyrnas Unedig: heriau’r gorffennol, y presennol a’r dyfodol.’ Roedd y diwrnod yn cynnwys ystod eang o bapurau gan academyddion a sefydliadau’r trydydd sector. Cyflwynwyd canfyddiadau ymchwil am gymdeithas sifil…

Michael Gove and the Miners’ Gala: Not so wide of the mark

“Just think about it, next year, both the Durham Miners’ Gala and the Notting Hill Carnival will take place in seats represented by Conservative MPs” Michael Gove, December 2019. The Durham Miners’ Gala, established in 1871, is the largest annual gathering of trade unionists in the UK. Despite the last coal mine in County Durham…