
Introducing the GW4 Pay Equality Research Consortium

From 2018, companies with more than 250 employees will be required to make their gender pay gap publicly available online.  Employers that fail to address gender pay disparities will also be highlighted in new league tables intended to drive progress.  The launch of a new project has coincided with the governments publication of these planned…

Women’s marginalisation in post-war UK politics

On 2nd February Prof Paul Chaney presented the findings of a recent study of political representation to a seminar organised by the Chwarae Teg Research Hub. The paper analysed the parliamentary scrutiny of the substantive representation of women (SRW) in UK Governments’ Post-War legislative programmes. The SRW refers to the situation whereby women’s needs and…

Better understanding of caregivers perceptions of dementia could improve the level of support they are offered, new paper finds

    Illness representations, or the way individuals perceive an illness, often shape responses to that illness, affecting the type and level of care and support administered to an individual, either by themselves or by those with caring responsibilities. A recently published paper co-authored by Catherine Quinn and Linda Clare from the Centre for Research…

WISERD Engagement – December Meetings of the Research User Group & Language, Culture and Identity Research Network

  Dr Ceryn Evans presents to the Research User Group   December has seen further key activities as part of WISERD’s engagement work. December 15th saw the meeting of WISERD’s Research User Group – whilst earlier in the month, the Language, Culture and Identity Research Network met on December 4th. Both are integral to linking…

The Julian Tudor Hart Annual Lecture Series: DIY Welfare or Silver Bullet: The Place of Community in UK Health Policy in the 21st Century

  The 9th Annual Julian Tudor Hart Lecture took place on 9th December in SOCSI. This year’s lecture was titled ‘DIY Welfare or Silver Bullet: The Place of Community in UK Health Policy in the 21st Century’, and was given by Professor Jennie Popay of Lancaster University. The event was sponsored by Public Health Wales and Cardiff University, in partnership with WISERD…

Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG)

The Welsh Government has published the latest evaluation of its Pupil Deprivation Grant – a programme which sees additional funding being allocated to schools for looked after children and those pupils eligible for free school meals. The report produced by Ipsos MORI and WISERD colleagues shows that: Teachers believe the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) is making…

WISERD at the Wales Council for Voluntary Action Annual Conference 2015

The WISERD Stand was busy at the Wales Council for Voluntary Action Annual Conference 2015. Held in Llandudno, it is the leading third sector conference in Wales. This year’s event was valuable in developing existing strong links between third sector organisations and colleagues working on the Institute’s ESRC- funded Civil Society Programme. Welsh Government minister…