
WISERD yn cynnal Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol y Cymry: Y Gorffennol a’r Presennol

Cynhaliodd WISERD ddarlith gyda’r nos a symposiwm undydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yr wythnos hon. Trefnwyd y digwyddiad ar y cyd gyda’r Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol, Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru a Chymdeithas Anrhydeddus y Cymmrodorion. Roedd Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol y Cymry: Y Gorffennol a’r Presennol yn edrych ar ddatblygiad anthropoleg gymdeithasol yng Nghymru o safbwyntiau ysgolheictod cenedlaethol ac ymgysylltu…

New international research project announced

      WISERD has been successful in gaining funding for new international research. Led by Professor Paul Chaney, the project is entitled: ‘Civil Society Advocacy and the Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Resolutions’. Co-investigator of the new study is Professor Nasir Uddin of the University of Chittagong, a leading international scholar on the…

Llywodraeth Cymru yn Cyhoeddi Tystiolaeth Newydd am Waith yng Nghymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad heddiw, a ysgrifennwyd gan Alan Felstead a Rhys Davies, sy’n cynnig tystiolaeth newydd am natur cyflogadwyedd yng Nghymru.  Mae Gweithio yng Nghymru 2006-2017:  Tystiolaeth o’r Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth yn cynnig cipolwg gwerthfawr – o safbwynt gweithwyr – ar nifer o faterion gan gynnwys hyrwyddo gwaith teg; gwella’r defnydd…

Hopes and fears: The development of a new curriculum in Wales

Since 2015, ‘pioneer’ schools across Wales have been contributing to the development of a new national curriculum based on Professor Graham Donaldson’s (2015) report, Successful Futures. As part of a Welsh government-funded research project being conducted through the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD),*  over 30 teachers involved in this…

Beth sy’n dylanwadu ar ymgysylltiad cymunedol a lleol ag ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru?

Mae adroddiad newydd gan y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig yn seiliedig ar ymchwil WISERD wedi’i gyhoeddi gan yr Athro Judith Marquand, Kate O’Sullivan a Dr Sioned Pearce o Brifysgol Caerdydd. Mae ‘Ffactorau sy’n dylanwadu ar ymgysylltiad cymunedol a lleol ag ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru’yn seiliedig ar sgyrsiau gyda phobl sy’n cymryd rhan yn uniongyrchol mewn prosiectau…

WISERD visits University of Paris 1, Panthéon-La Sorbonne

Professor W. John Morgan visited the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-La Sorbonne this week, at the personal invitation of Professor Georges Haddad, the University’s President, to discuss his Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship research on ‘UNESCO and the Cultural Cold War: International Intellectual Co-operation or Soft Power?’ Professor Haddad was formerly Director of the Division of Higher…

WISERD i gyflwyno yng Ngŵyl y Gelli 2019

  Jean Jenkins, Darllenydd mewn Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, i gyflwyno yng Ngŵyl y Gelli eleni ddydd Mawrth 28 Mai. Mae Jean yn gweithio ar brosiect Cronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang a ariennir gan Lywodraeth y DU gyda WISERD, sy’n ymchwilio i’r posibilrwydd o gael gafael ar ddatrysiad ar gyfer gweithwyr dillad yn y gadwyn…

My Erasmus placement at WISERD

  I am a PhD student in Sociology at the University of Brasilia. Through the Erasmus+ programme, I spent six months on a research placement at the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University. I have been based in the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). At WISERD I had…

Are Millennials a generation of volunteers?

When we talk about the benefits of volunteering this is usually in relation to young people. Most organisations promote volunteering opportunities to young people; ‘good news’ stories in the media about volunteering focus on the activities of young citizens; and government interventions to increase participation are usually focused on school initiatives (such as the Welsh…