
The perils and pitfalls of feeding back on local field studies

In 2014 we embarked on a comparative study of two villages in North East Wales. Our research focused on how people come together in local areas – in clubs, societies and groups – and observed how such association is changing. We spent two years interviewing local people, listening to their life histories and experiences, observing…

Should levels of access to essential services be measured by travel time alone?

According to available estimates, residents living in more rural areas of Wales generally need to travel farthest to access a number of key services. Take access to GP surgeries, for instance. A two-way journey by car to a local GP surgery is considered to take, on average, between 10-14 minutes for those living in smaller…

Piloting Academic Fellowships with the National Assembly for Wales

Dr Alexandra Plows shares her experience of a Knowledge Exchange Fellowship pilot scheme to enable Welsh Assembly Members to develop policy and practice: Between March and June 2017, Dr Alexandra Plows was engaged on a Knowledge Exchange (KE) Fellowship pilot scheme with the National Assembly for Wales (NAfW) – sharing expertise to enable Assembly Members to…

Dr Scott Orford talks empty shops in Wales on Radio 4

WISERD’s Dr Scott Orford from Cardiff University was featured in two parts of a three part series on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ programme, exploring why rates of empty shops are higher in Wales than they are in other parts of the UK.   Image credit: Gwydion M. Williams (CC BY 2.0)

Wales’s schools urgently need political participation lessons

Dr Dan Evans uses WISERD research to examine young people’s apathy with the Welsh political process This article was originally published on The Conversation. Click to read the original article. After 20 years of devolved politics, one would assume that Wales’s government and parliament would have solidified its place in the country, and the people of…

WISERD takes civil society research to Indonesia

WISERD has been sharing research on civil society at the International Society for Third Sector Research’s tenth Asia Pacific Regional Conference hosted by CECT Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. The WISERD stall at the conference did brisk business, attracting interest from many senior academics, students, policy-makers and members of third sector organisations attending the event. Presentations…

WISERD wins at Social Research Awards

Cardiff WISERD Co-Director Professor Chris Taylor won a prestigious Welsh Social Research Association award from an all-WISERD shortlist last night. Prof Taylor was awarded the Research Impact Award for leading a team evaluating the Welsh Government’s Foundation Phase, the school curriculum for 3-7 year olds. As well as direct changes to education policy, @profchristaylor’s research on…