Prosiectau Ymchwil

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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 3 canlyniad

‘The Global Countryside: Rural Change and Development in Globalization (GLOBAL-RURAL)’ was a major research project funded by the European Research Council. The study aimed to advance our understanding of the workings and impact of globalization in rural regions through the development and application of new conceptual and methodological approaches. Globalization has a pervasive influence in transforming…

Cefn Gwlad Byd-eang: Newid a Datblygu Gwledig yng Nghyd-destun Globaleiddio

Trosolwg Mae ‘Cefn Gwlad Byd-eang:  Newid a Datblygu Gwledig yng Nghyd-destun Globaleiddio (GLOBAL-RURAL)’ yn brosiect ymchwil mawr a ariennir gan Gyngor Ymchwil Ewrop. Nod yr astudiaeth yw hybu ein dealltwriaeth o brosesau ac effeithiau globaleiddio mewn rhanbarthau gwledig, a hynny drwy ddatblygu a defnyddio dulliau cysyniadol a methodolegol newydd. Mae globaleiddio’n cael dylanwad treiddiol o…

Centre For Welsh Politics and Society

The Centre for Welsh Politics and Society / WISERD@Aberystwyth aims to use research on Welsh politics and society, comparative studies of Wales and other nations and regions, and analyses of Wales’s global connections, to make internationally-significant cutting-edge contributions to social science theories, debates and literature. Our research is organized around three key themes: Global Connections…