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report cover
Report of findings prepared by Fieldwork for the Arts Council of Wales: to establish baseline data and to evaluate the current approach of the Arts Council of Wales to supporting creative professionals in Wales

The report begins with a broad ranging statistical analysis of those working within cultural industries in Wales. Working with government data from the Annual Population Survey, section 3. A Statistical portrait of cultural occupations in Wales, presents us with an outline picture of numbers of individuals working in particular creative professions. Following this, section 4….

Report Cover
Combined Analysis of the 2009-2014 ESF Leavers Surveys

Aim The aim of the European Social Fund (ESF) Leavers Surveys is to assist in assessing the effectiveness of labour market interventions delivered under ESF. The purpose of this analysis is to conduct a combined examination of data from the 2009-2013 ESF Leavers Surveys to undertake a project-type level analysis and to facilitate more detailed…

Journal cover
The hidden face of job insecurity

Drawing on nationally representative data for British employees, the article argues for a more comprehensive concept of job insecurity, including not only job tenure insecurity but also job status insecurity, relating to anxiety about changes to valued features of the job. It shows that job status insecurity is highly prevalent in the workforce and is…

Report front page
Geographical Variations in Job Satisfaction

Happiness at work is a popular topic. This Research Note explores measures of job satisfaction that are available from 3 nationally representative surveys that are conducted within Britain; the Skills and Employment Surveys, the Workplace Employment Relations Survey and the British Household Panel Survey. Indices of satisfaction with work can be constructed from these sources…

Report cover
The Dynamic Effect of Disability on Work and Subjective Wellbeing in Australia

Using longitudinal data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey (2001-2013) we examine the relationship between the dynamics of worklimiting disability and employment, hours of work, earnings and life satisfaction. We employ two alternative classifications of the dynamic trajectories of disability and, in doing so, are able to explicitly consider the…

Book Cover
Is the Public Sector Pay Advantage Explained by Differences in Work Quality?

The unadjusted public–private sector pay differential has attracted considerable political interest over many years. It has been used to justify changes to pay-setting arrangements and the imposition of pay restraint on the public sector. However, previous analyses have shown that a large part of the premium can be explained by differences in individual and employment…

Book Cover
Unequal Britain at Work

The book provides the first systematic assessment of trends in inequality in job quality in Britain over recent decades. It assesses the pattern of change drawing on the nationally representative Skills and Employment Surveys (SES) carried out at regular intervals from 1986 to 2012. These surveys collect data from workers themselves, thereby providing a unique…

Booklet Cover
Making the Case for the Social Sciences: Wales

WISERD, in partnership with the Research Institute for Applied Social Science (RIASS) and the Academy of Social Science, have today launched a new booklet showcasing the vast array of social science research taking place in Wales; titled ‘Making the Case for the Social Sciences 10 – Wales’. It includes a new study by Welsh researchers which…

Book Cover
Employment equality in China’s universities: perceptions of ‘decent work’ among university teachers in Beijing

In recent years there has been an increase in awareness of social justice, equality and rights issues among Chinese citizens including university teachers (Li, 2011). The higher education (HE) sector is an important example of this because of its potential for developing and disseminating new ideas about a just society, and in influencing policy-makers. An…

Book Cover
Moving to find a job: Chinese Masters’ degree graduates and internal migration

It is clear that graduates from Chinese higher education, like their counterparts elsewhere in the world, expect to find employment which provides a return on the investment they and their families have made in their formal education and training. They aspire also to employment appropriate to the level of education they have achieved and which…