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Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(6) cover
Reclaiming authenticity: The spaces and scales of national sincerity

Environmental and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(6) pp 1091-1107 At present, there seems to be somewhat of a paradox between critical academic and more political and popular understandings of authenticity. At one level, the notion of authenticity has become passé, almost a dirty word, for critical social theorists and human geographers: being something that…

Children’s Worlds National Report Wales

This is the welsh national report of the third wave of the International Survey of Childrens’ Wellbeing (ISCIWEB) data collection, with a representative sample of at least 1,000 children per age group. Children’s Worlds, the International Survey of Children’s Well-Being (ISCWeB), is a worldwide research survey on children’s subjective well-being. The study aims to collect…

The Rise and Fall of Think Tanks in Wales - English cover
Cynnydd a Chwymp Melinau Trafod yng Nghymru

Gallwch ei lawrlwytho yma Rhagair     Mae’r adroddiad mewnweledol ac addysgiadol hwn yn gwneud cyfraniad mawr at ein dealltwriaeth o felinau trafod yng Nghymru. Gellir dadlau ein bod yn byw mewn cyfnod lle mae mwy o ddiddordeb mewn gwleidyddiaeth nag a fu erioed – mewn sut mae penderfyniadau a wneir ym Mrwsel, San Steffan neu’r…

Publication Image
Gefeilldrefi Cymreig-Llydaweg Cyfleoedd a heriau ar gyfer y dyfodol

Mae gan sawl tref Gymreig gefeilldref yn Llydaw. Mae trefeillio yn rhan o gymdeithas sifil, gan greu cyfleoedd am gyfeillgarwch rhyngwladol a chyfnewid diwylliannol. Dathla cysylltiadau Cymreig-Llydewig, yn benodol, treftadaeth Geltaidd gyffredin. Ond gyda heriau medig wyliau cost isel a Brecsit, a fydd trefeillio’n parhau’n berthnasol, neu fydd yn cael ei gaethiwo i hanes?

International Journal of Heritage Studies 26(10) Cover
The practice and potential of heritage emotion research: an experimental mixed-methods approach to investigating affect and emotion in a historic house

International Journal of Heritage Studies 26(10) pp 955-974 Concerned with understanding emotion and visitor responses through both self-report and wearable physiological sensors, this paper examines the affective relationships enacted at a historic house within two distinct visitor routes. First, it looks at the growing interest in emotion and covers a compatible approach to physiology, emotion and…

Journal Cover
1997 and 2016: Referenda, Brexit, and (Re-)bordering at the European Periphery

2016 is likely to be recalled – in Europe, at least – as a temporal bordering, after a majority in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The “Brexit” referendum result has been pinned on the rise of populist politics and the revenge of so-called “left behind” places. Regardless of reasons, the referendum…

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Civil Society Organizations’ Experiences of Participative Environmental Mainstreaming: A Political Systems Perspective of a Regional European Polity

This paper addresses a lacuna in the literature on environmental policy integration by exploring civil society organizations’ (CSOs) experiences of participative environmental mainstreaming – a policy imperative to embed environmental concerns in all aspects of policy-making. A raft of international treaties and laws require this to be operationalized through knowledge exchange and critical engagement between…

Journal Cover
The fanta-sy of global products: fizzy-drinks, differentiated ubiquity and the placing of globalization

If globalization is conceived as an outcome of negotiations between places and relational processes, how do researchers capture such amorphous complexity? Drawing upon the framework of assemblage theory this paper unpicks the plethora of processes and practices encompassed within the problematic term ‘globalization’. Focusing on the ‘banal’ object of a can of Fanta, we demonstrate…

Growing up in Wales postcards - three designs
Tyfu i fyny yng Nghymru: safbwyntiau a phrofiadau disgyblion ysgol

Gallwch ei lawrlwytho yma Rydym wedi casglu safbwyntiau pobl ifanc ynghylch eu hathrawon, tripiau ysgol, pam ofynnwyd iddynt adael yr ystafell ddosbarth a pham iddyn nhw gael cyfnod dan gadw yn yr ysgol. At hynny, buom yn eu holi am y pynciau TGAU y maent wedi’u dewis, a’u hymwybyddiaeth ynghylch addysg alwedigaethol. Rydym hefyd wedi…