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Publication front page
Using Geographic Information Systems to investigate variations in accessibility to ‘extended hours’ primary healthcare provision

There are ongoing policy concerns surrounding the difficulty in obtaining timely appointments to primary healthcare services and the potential impact on, for example, attendance at accident and emergency services and potential health outcomes. Using the case study of potential access to primary healthcare services in Wales, Geographic Information System (GIS)‐based tools that permit a consideration…

Non-Technical Briefing Paper No.2: Exploring Civil Society and Social Justice in Bangladesh Professor
Non-Technical Briefing Paper No.2: Exploring Civil Society and Social Justice in Bangladesh

This briefing is from the ‘Exploring effective practice’ project 2018-19 funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Global Challenges Research Fund. It reports on the findings of fieldwork, including a workshop held in August 2018 at BRAC University with civil society organizations (CSOs) in Bangladesh. Inter alia, study participants represented different religions and…

Journal Logo
Governing the future and the search for spatial justice: Wales’ Well-being of Future Generations Act

Recent contributions in Geography and beyond have examined historical and more contemporary efforts to govern the future.  Work in this area has highlighted some important conceptual  considerations by drawing attention to the way in which states, regions and other organisations view the future as an object of governance for a variety of reasons: as something…

Work in wales 2006-2017 summary cover
Gweithio yng Nghymru, 2006-2017: Tystiolaeth o’r Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth Crynodeb

Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth 2017 yw’r seithfed mewn cyfres o arolygon swyddi ym Mhrydain, fel y’u cofnodwyd gan y gweithwyr sy’n gwneud y swyddi. Mae’r gyfres wedi parhau dros 30 mlynedd (cynhaliwyd yr arolwg cyntaf yn 1986).  Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn darparu dadansoddiad o ganlyniadau arolygon 2006, 2012 a 2017 sy’n benodol i Gymru, gan…

Journal Cover
Nation and national identity as a boundary: English, British and the European Union

In this article, we consider how the Barthian model of ethnicity, with its emphasis on boundary transactions, can be usefully applied to understanding non-elite views of the nation. Drawing on qualitative interview material, we show that the boundary concept has significance for people’s views of English and British identity and for how they view relations…

Book cover
Cities and Regions in Crisis: The Political Economy of Sub-National Economic Development

Offering a geographical political economy analysis, this book explores the mechanisms, institutions, and spaces of subnational economic development. Martin Jones innovatively examines how policy-makers frame problems and offer intervention solutions in different cities and regions. Drawing on different approaches to state intervention, neoliberalism, crisis and contradiction theories, and notions of depoliticisation, this book explains policy…

How changes in the rural economy post-Brexit might impact upon healthcare/health inequalities in rural Wales

The Research Service has established a Brexit Academic Framework agreement. Under the Framework, experts provide research and advice services to the National Assembly for Wales Commission in relation to Brexit, to supplement the work of the Research Service. Professor Mike Woods and Dr Rachel Rahman at the Centre for Excellence in Rural Health Research, Aberystwyth…

European Sociological Review 35(3) cover
Intergenerational transmission and support for the EU membership in the UK: The case of Brexit

Euroscepticism is increasingly important to the shaping and understanding of contemporary European public opinion and politics. The origins of the trait, however, particularly the values that predispose individuals to view the European Union (EU) as a legitimate (or otherwise) political institution, remain poorly understood. Literature on political socialization identifies the family as a vital influence…

Journal cover
Volunteering in the Bath? The rise of Microvolunteering and implications for policy

This paper addresses the emergence of microvolunteering as a conceptual and practical phenomenon, as well as one which policy makers must engage with in a careful and critical fashion. Taking a lead from Smith et al. [2010. “Enlivened Geographies of Volunteering: Situated, Embodied and Emotional Practices of Voluntary Action.” Scottish Geographical Journal 126: 258–274] who specify…

Journal Cover
Praying on Brexit? Unpicking the Effect of Religion on Support for European Union Integration and Membership

This article examines how religious affiliation shapes support for European Union membership. While previous research has shown that Protestants are typically more eurosceptic than Catholics, little is known about the nature of this relationship: specifically, whether religion affects one’s utilitarian assessments of the costs and benefits of membership, or one’s affective attachment to the EU….