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Your search returned 1159 results
Book Cover
Revisiting the Concept of the Public Intellectual

Both Hayek and Lazarsfeld were path-breaking scholars who contributed greatly to the development of their respective disciplines, yet the disciplinary sub-fields they founded faced contrasting receptions at their point of origin in Austria. Our argument here has been that new ideas need structural, political and individual support to gain ground and leave a mark.

Journal Cover
‘Becoming participant’: problematizing ‘informed consent’ in participatory research with young people in care

This article problematizes the slippery notion of `informed consent’ and its negotiation in participatory longitudinal ethnographic research with children and young people. It does so within the context of new ethical bureaucracies (Boden et al., in press; Hammersley, 2006). Drawing upon an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded methodological research project exploring the everyday…

Journal cover
How Does Workplace Monitoring Affect the Gender Wage Differential? Analysis of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey

This paper outlines the development of a new data source that combines workplace information from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS) with employee data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). Illustrative analysis of the gender wage differential demonstrates how the inclusion of additional workplace characteristics collected from WERS can be utilized to…

Journal Cover
Patterns of Ethnic Self-Employment in Time and Space: Evidence from British Census Microdata

The over-representation of certain ethnic minority and immigrant groups in self-employment is, in common with other developed countries, a notable feature of the UK labour market. Compared to the substantial growth in self-employment in the 1980s, the 1990s saw overall self-employment rates plateau. Despite this, some minority groups experienced continued growth whilst others, particularly Chinese…

Journal cover
Local taxation and the relationship between incomes and property values

The authors’ concern is with the relationship between household income and property value, within the context of the debate about the fairness of council tax – the property-based system of local taxation in England. Although located within this particular debate, the fundamental issue of the relationship between household income and property value is of relevance…

Journal cover
The family gap in pay in Europe: a cross-country study

In this paper we present estimates of the penalty in pay associated with motherhood for 11 European countries. Firstly, analysis of the European Community Household Panel Survey (ECHP) reveals that significant penalties in pay exist within Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain and Portugal. Analysis for Germany (using the German Socio-Economic Panel) and the…

Cover of The Face-to-Face Principle.
The Face-to-Face Principle: Science, Trust, Democracy and the Internet

The internet is changing the way that knowledge is made and shared. Knowledge-making in face-to-face settings is being replaced by information gathering from remote sources, whose origins may be concealed but which can create an illusion of intimacy. Though remote communication is beneficial in many ways – modern societies would fail without it — and…

First page of the Written evidence given to the House of Commons Education Committee’s Inquiry into teacher, recruitment, training, and retention
Written evidence given to the House of Commons Education Committee’s Inquiry into teacher, recruitment, training, and retention

This evidence is submitted by Professor Francis Green from UCL, and by Dr Katy Huxley and Professor Alan Felstead from Cardiff University. The evidence addresses two of the questions in the call for evidence: • What are the main factors leading to difficulties recruiting and retaining qualified teachers? • How do challenges in teacher recruitment,…