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Book Cover

Rurality—the condition of not being urban—has been affected by global forces throughout history, and in the 21st century, the concept of the rural is transported globally even as rural areas themselves are increasingly a part of the global economy.

Book Cover
Rural people and the land

There is a long and fundamental connection between rural place and the land. Whereas land is simply the foundation for the construction of towns and cities, whose urban culture and economy thrive on human ingenuity and industry that may have little direct attachment to the physical ground over which it occurs, historical discourses of rurality…

Journal Cover
Investigating the implications of using alternative GIS-based techniques to measure accessibility to green space

A large body of research has examined relationships between accessibility to green space and a variety of health outcomes with many researchers finding benefits in terms of levels of physical activity and relationships with levels of obesity, mental health, and other health conditions. Such studies often use spatial analytical techniques to examine relationships between distance…

First page of the report
The Social Participation and Identity Project in Wales

The Social Participation and Identity Project is based on a qualitative sub-study of 220 in depth biographical interviews conducted as part of the age 50 sweep of the National Child Development Study (NCDS), the UK’s pioneering birth cohort study which began in 1958. Its substantive focus on participation reflects a particular interest in claims, and…

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Never “at-Home”?: Migrants between societies

This chapter explores the dialectic meaning of “home,” and movement away from home. Movement away from home—or migration—is characterized as a dynamic, dialectic, and developmental experience. We emphasize the sense of being at-home and the intertwined sense of identity as interlinked and mutually defining anchors of our existence that become inevitably shaken and ruptured in the experience of migration….

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Electoral Competition, Issue Salience and Public Policy for Older People: the Case of the Westminster and Regional UK Elections 1945-2011

Ageing societies and cohort-based differential turnout present challenges and opportunities in political parties’ pursuit of electoral support. This article explores their response with reference to the issue salience of public policy for older people in the manifestos for Westminster and regional elections in the UK, 1945–2011. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of party programmes reveals: (1)…

Dialogues in Human Geography 2(1)
Space and Spatiality in Theory

This article is an edited transcript of a panel discussion on Space and Spatiality in Theory which was held at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC, April 2010. In the article, the panel map out some of the challenges for thinking, writing and performing spaces in the 21st century, reflecting…

Journal Cover
Stop and go: a field study of pedestrian practice, immobility and urban outreach work

Drawing on fieldwork observation of a team of street-level welfare bureaucrats, this article presents a pedestrian case-study of routine footwork and slow progress in the making and maintaining of contact between outreach workers and the urban homeless. This material is used to highlight two aspects of modern-day mobilities that are perhaps under-examined and certainly worthy…

Regional Science: Policy and Practice 4(2)
Partnership working in Regions: reflections on local government collaboration in Wales

Set against the established political mantra of partnership working, this paper considers the conceptual framings of the local authority partnership agenda in academic debates and concurrent empirical research. We compare and contrast the changing formal territorial remits of political intervention with the spatial constructs understood and employed by those stakeholders responsible for delivering childrens services….

Devolution and Wales – fiddling with spatial governance while the economy burns

Chapter in a collection of essays that explore the government’s shift away from regionalism to local economic development. The chapters examine issues around governance structures, planning, housing and competition between places as well as specific looks at Wales, Scotland and London. The consensus amongst the expert authors is that without proper resources the new system…