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Cover of The Oxford Handbook of Expertise.
Studies of expertise and experience: a sociological perspective on expertise

The research programme known as Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEE), often referred to as the “Third Wave of Science Studies,” treats expertise as real and as the property of social groups. This chapter explains the foundations of SEE and sets out the theoretical and methodological innovations created using this approach. These include the development…

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The march of governance and the actualities of failure: the case of economic development twenty years on

Twenty years ago, Bob Jessop (1998) published a defining piece on the “rise of governance” and the “risks of failure”, using the example of economic development to frame concerns with the state of capitalism at that time. This charted the rise of governance, outlined key governance practices, and offered preliminary reflections on the nature, forms,…

Journal cover
Transnational mobility and cross-border family life cycles: A century of Welsh-Italian migration

During the late nineteenth century, Italian immigrant settlement in Wales took the form of chain and clustered migration, based on origin-centred networks of extended family members. The original migrants’ reliance on transnational family support networks endured and evolved through descendant generations. Family formation and the progression of lifecycle care exchanges served as key drivers of…

Journal Cover
Hollowing out probation? The roots of Transforming Rehabilitation

This article provides a critical perspective on the political and policy history of probation in England and Wales to develop a better understanding of how TR came to be. TR was only the latest act in a longstanding process of changing probation to fit ideological ‘flavours’, and we suggest that it is the hidden nature…

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Fear and anxiety: Affects, emotions and care practices in the memory clinic

This paper contributes to the growing recognition in Science and Technology Studies and medical sociology of the significant role of affect in scientific and clinical work. We show how feelings of fear and anxiety associated with dementia not only shape people’s experiences and responses to a diagnosis, but also shape the practices and processes through…

Front cover of 'After Brexit: 10 key questions for rural policy in Wales
After Brexit: 10 Key Questions for Rural Policy in Wales

The Welsh rural economy is diverse but firmly grounded in Wales’s rich natural environment. Although agriculture is an important industry for Wales, and the dominant land use, it is one part of a complex picture. Rural areas are seen very much as a place of work, including in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural…

Front Page - Geoff Whitty tribute
A tribute to Geoff Whitty: a special kind of policy scholar

It is hard to come to terms with the scale of loss caused by Geoff Whitty’s untimely death – a loss that will be felt on many levels – from the academic to the professional to the personal. There is not the space in this brief appreciation to pay tribute to the many ways in…

Report Cover
Pushing the boundaries of Big Local

Big Local provides local areas with funding to support resident-led solutions to create lasting change. Starting in 2010, The National Lottery Community Fund (then called The Big Lottery Fund), identified areas that have since been described as ‘left-behind’ – areas that had been previously overlooked for funding and investment. In choosing the areas, consideration was…

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Young people, family relationships and civic participation

This article examines young people’s civic participation and the extent to which this is influenced by the family. Although literature on young people’s civic participation is abundant, the role of the family in influencing this participation is largely absent. Drawing on survey data collected from 976 young people aged 13–14 in South Wales, we outline…

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Play, puerilism, and post-modernism

The purpose of intellectual activity is, I believe, to enable us understand the human condition and ways in which it can flourish. It may of course be enjoyable and fulfilling both individually and with others; and is integral to the human instinct for society and for play. The Dutch historian Johan Huizinga pointed out, in a classic…