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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 221 canlyniad
Report cover
Dysgwyr sy’n gadael y Chweched Dosbarth cyn Blwyddyn 13: nodweddion a chofrestriadau ar gyfer addysg bellach

Mae’n rhoi tystiolaeth feintioledig i ddangos faint o ddysgwyr ôl-16 nad ydynt yn cwblhau eu cyrsiau mewn coleg chweched dosbarth. Mae hefyd yn dangos faint sy’n symud ymlaen i’r sector Addysg Bellach. Mae’r adroddiad yn ystyried nodweddion dysgwyr nad ydynt yn cwblhau eu cyrsiau Safon Uwch a/neu gyrsiau Chweched Dosbarth eraill. Mae hefyd yn ystyried…

Educational research in higher education in Wales: Findings from a national survey

This report presents the findings of a survey on the research activity, experience and needs of staff working in the field of education in Wales. Since democratic devolution in 1999, the Welsh Government has developed an ambitious and distinctive reform agenda, which needs to be underpinned by a strong evidence base and the capacity to…

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Gwerthusiad o Dechrau’n Deg: Deilliannau Addysgol

Nod rhaglen Llywodraeth Cymru, Dechrau’n Deg, yw gwella cyfleoedd bywyd plant ifanc sy’n byw yn rhai o’r ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig yng Nghymru. Mae pedair hawl gan deuluoedd â phlant sydd hyd at bedair oed: Gofal rhan-amser o ansawdd i blant dwy i dair oed, yn rhad ac am ddim Gwasanaeth a chymorth ymweliadau iechyd gwell…

Social innovation in home care front cover
Why we need social innovation in home care for older people

This CRESC/WISERD report “provides a critique of why those responsible for commissioning care in the home have made uneven and inconsistent progress towards personalisation and outcome-based commissioning. It goes on to propose an alternative radical social innovation approach to thinking about ways in which home care can effectively and consistently deliver choice, control and independence across the board.”…

Report Cover
Gwerthuso’r Cyfnod Sylfaen: adroddiad technegol

Yn yr adroddiad hwn, rydym yn cyflwyno trafodaeth dechnegol ar y gwerthusiad tair blynedd (mis Awst 2011 i fis Awst 2014). Mae hyn yn cynnwys amlinelliad o gynllun y gwerthusiad, y dulliau a ddefnyddiwyd wrth werthuso a gwybodaeth fanwl arall am y gwerthusiad. Mae’r Cyfnod Sylfaen yn bolisi blaenllaw Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer addysg y…

Report Cover
Making Sense of Official Estimates of Trade Union Membership

Different sources of data provide a generally consistent picture of downward trends in rates of trade union density, presence and coverage. Analysis however raises cause for concern regarding official estimates derived from the Labour Force Survey which underestimate the true extent to which unions are both present in the workplace and recognised by employers in…

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Where does the money go? Financialised chains and the crisis in residential care

The citizen’s summary of the full report is business and organised money have a political advantage in matters of public policy around outsourced services because the average citizen does not have the knowledge or confidence to engage critically with this kind of financial issue. A democracy where business and finance are socially accountable requires citizens with…