
New research reveals civil society perspectives on widespread children’s rights violations in Cambodia

As part of the project Trust, Human Rights and Civil Society in WISERD’s civil society research programme, I’ve been analysing the human rights situation of children in Cambodia. This is an appropriate, yet hitherto neglected area of enquiry because it is almost three decades since the country ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights…

New research exploring global civil society views on the Rohingya crisis

I’ve been analysing civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) perspectives on the crisis facing an estimated one million Rohingya people, members of a Muslim minority group (a variation of the Sunni religion), that have fled persecution in the western state of Rakhine, Myanmar. This work is part of the project Trust, Human Rights and Civil Society in…

Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol ESRC 2021

  Mae ymchwilwyr WISERD yn cynnal tair Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a fydd yn rhoi sylw i ddiweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a chymdeithas sifil yng nghyd-destun datganoli, systemau bwyd cymunedol lleol a phrosiect gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion sy’n archwilio monitro ansawdd aer. Diweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a chymdeithas sifil yng nghyd-destun datganoli: cymhariaeth is-wladwriaeth 11 Tachwedd 2021 Mae’r…

Gender, age, economic position and education affect attitudes to climate change

In my previous blog post, I discussed regional variations in attitudes towards climate change, with people living in Wales appearing more sceptical in comparison to those in other parts of Britain. However, attitudes to climate change also differ according to people’s characteristics such as gender, age and educational level, and these will affect regional differences…

Does neb yn Ynys ar Adeg Pandemig

Mae’r Athro John Morgan, ynghyd â Dr Ana Zimmermann o Brifysgol São Paulo, Brasil, wedi cyhoeddi ‘No One is a Island at a Time of Pandemic’ mewn rhifyn arbennig o Peace Review: Cyfnodolyn Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ar effaith gymdeithasol a diwylliannol COVID-19. Mae’r erthygl yn ystyried y cwestiwn moesegol sylfaenol ynghylch sut y caiff y cyfrifoldeb…

Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol Cymry – Gorffennol a’r Presennol

  Bydd Casgliad newydd o draethodau o’r enw Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present, a olygwyd gan yr Athro W. John Morgan a Dr Fiona Bowie, yn cael eu cyhoeddi y  mis hwn yngNghyfres’Country Series’ y Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol.  Mae gwreiddiau’r llyfr mewn cyd-golocwiwm o’r Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol, WISERD, Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, a…

Play 2021: The right to play and the child-friendly city

I recently attended Play 2021 (a new conference hosted by community interest company Playful Planet) which brought together researchers, policymakers and practitioners interested in ‘child-friendly’ urban design and children’s play. One of our interests as part of our WISERD research project has been the concept of the ‘child-friendly city’ and what an enabling environment for the…

Adnewyddu sylfaenol: Trawsnewid systemau dibyniaeth yn sgîl COVID-19

Bu trydedd gynhadledd WISERD am yr economi sylfaenol, a gynhaliwyd ar-lein yn gynharach y mis hwn, yn dod ag ymchwilwyr ac ymarferwyr o bob rhan o’r DU a’r tu hwnt ynghyd i drafod sut y gellir ailadeiladu, gwella a chynnal yr economi sylfaenol mewn ymateb i heriau newydd a hen sydd wedi’u gwaethygu gan y…

Yr Athro John Morgan yn cyflwyno darlith yng nghynhadledd Eidalaidd

Ddydd Sadwrn 4 Medi 2021, cyflwynodd yr Athro John Morgan ddarlith a gweithdy ar Ddelfrydiaeth a Realaeth mewn Cyfnewid Addysgol a Diwylliannol: Cydweithrediad deallusol rhyngwladol neu ‘bŵer meddal?‘, i’r gynhadledd: Cyd-fyw ag amwysedd – Diwylliannau gwahanol a gwerthoedd cyffredin?, a drefnir gan y Fondazione Intercultura Onus, Fflorens, yr Eidal (2–4 Medi). Mae’r Ddarlith yn ganlyniad…