
Assembling Newtown and Everyday Globalization

This week the WISERD blog is delighted to host a guest blog relating to the ‘Global Countryside: Rural Change and Development in Globalization (GLOBAL-RURAL)’ – a major research project funded by the European Research Council. This study aims to advance our understanding of the workings and impact of globalization in rural regions through the development and application…

Giving, saving, spending: What would Welsh children do with £1 million?

WISERD Education has been exploring children’s responses to a single question: ‘If someone gave you £1 million today, what would you do with it?’ Although such an exploration might seem trivial, we argue that their responses provide important insights into children’s values and priorities. The data from which this paper draws derive from a self-completion survey…

Furlong Report stresses the importance of WISERD Education’s Research

The Furlong Report, published this week, has highlighted the invaluable work undertaken by WISERD Education, and calls for further funding to be injected into the project. The report was written by Emeritus Professor John Furlong, of the University of Oxford, who was appointed by Welsh Education Minister Huw Lewis last year as an adviser on initial teacher…

Census debate to take place at Wales’ largest Social Science Conference

Delegates join distinguished keynote speakers for special Census debate   A unique opportunity to discuss the Census will take place at the Annual Conference for the Wales Institute for Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD). Now in its fourth year, the WISERD Annual Conference is Wales’ largest social science conference; bringing practitioners, policy…

WISERD 2013 Conference – Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for the fourth annual WISERD conference is now open. The WISERD 2013 Conference will take place on 25th and 26th June at the University of Glamorgan, attracting colleagues from academic, policy, public, private and third sectors. Following on from three successful events in Cardiff, Swansea and Bangor; the WISERD conference has become…

Audio walking project launches resources for Grangetown community

The resources from an innovative project which used audio walks to create a sense of community in one of Cardiff’s inner-city neighbourhoods, are being launched at an event next week. The ‘Sounding the Way: Audio Walking in Cardiff’s Urban Neighbourhoods’ project was funded in 2010 by the Beacon for Wales and led by Dr Kate…

Launch of Audio Walks

The resources from an innovative project which used audio walks to create a sense of community in one of Cardiff’s inner-city neighbourhoods, are being launched at an event next week. The ‘Sounding the Way: Audio Walking in Cardiff’s Urban Neighbourhoods’ project was funded in 2010 by the Beacon for Wales and led by Dr Kate Moles…

Cynhadledd bwysig ar y gwyddorau cymdeithasol yn dod i Gogledd Cymru

Bydd un o’r digwyddiadau pwysicaf yng nghalendr y gwyddorau cymdeithasol ar gyfer pobl sy’n ymwneud â materion cymdeithasol ac economaidd yng Nghymru yn teithio i Fangor wythnos nesaf. Bydd trydedd cynhadledd flynyddol Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd, Data a Dulliau Cymru (WISERD) yn dwyn ynghyd ymchwilwyr y gwyddorau cymdeithasol, gwleidyddion, myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig a chynrychiolwyr o’r…