
WISERD Welcomes High-Profile Politician to Launch Annual Conference

Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM, the former Presiding Officer of the National Assembly, will make a major speech to open an important social science conference in Bangor next year. The third annual Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods’ (WISERD) conference will bring together researchers, politicians and third sector agencies from Wales and…

Biomapping Research Presented at International Conference

An innovative biomapping research project funded by WISERD was presented at the recent Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Conference in London (31st August – 2nd September 2011). The annual event is the second largest geography conference in the world, attracting 1300 speakers and 1500 delegates. The research, devised and constructed by Dr…

Mini-Projects Announced As Part Of The Second Phase Of The WISERD Research Programme

As part of the second phase of the research programme, WISERD researchers have begun working on a series of mini-projects. These projects build on existing research undertaken by WISERD to date and enable further analysis of key themes and issues identified during the first phase of the WISERD research programme. The projects are diverse in…

Update on the Localities Research Programme

Knowing Localities, the WISERD localities programme, is an integral part of the research being undertaken by WISERD. A key activity undertaken by the localities team over the past 24 months has been the stakeholder interview programme.  With the fieldwork now fully completed, and second stage analysis fully underway, WISERD research staff (and a wider tranche…

Audio Walks Project Helping Young People Engage With Their Community

Residents of Grangetown in Cardiff are being encouraged to explore their neighbourhood through producing audio walks. The ongoing ‘Sounding the Way’ project funded by Beacon for Wales, is led by Dr Kate Moles of WISERD Cardiff and Angharad Saunders of Glamorgan University in conjunction with Voluntary Action Cardiff. As one of the more deprived areas…

WISERD Conference 2011: “A Major ‘Shop Window’ for Social Science Research in Wales”

On 28th and 29th June 2011 colleagues from across the WISERD partner Universities, invited speakers, representatives of voluntary organisations, postgraduate students and representatives from the public sector met in Swansea to present their work at the second WISERD conference. Over 140 delegates attended what is quickly becoming established as the major ‘shop window’ for social…

Film Screening Opens WISERD Conference

A special screening of Dr Gideon Koppel’s award-winning film Sleep Furiously, introduced by the Director himself, will be the preamble to the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods’ (WISERD) annual conference, held in Swansea next week. The screening, followed by a Q&A session with Dr Koppel, will take place at Swansea…

WISERD Academic to Present Qualitative Data Generation Techniques at London South Bank

WISERD Cardiff Localities Co-ordinator, will discuss her research into hypermedia techniques in the generation of qualitative data at a seminar at London South Bank University on Tuesday 21st June 2011. The seminar, entitled ‘Using Digital Technologies in the Generation of Data’, will bring together a range of inter-disciplinary researchers, consultants and practitioners from a variety…

Sounding the Way Project Visits the National Assembly for Wales

Kate Moles and Angharad Saunders took part in a Beacon for Wales Projects Showcase in the National Assembly for Wales Pierhead building (Cardiff Bay) to showcase the Beacons funded Sounding the Way audio walks. The event highlighted the public engagement work of universities across Wales and to provide public engagement active academics funded by the…

New WISERD director: Gareth Rees

The Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Method (WISERD) has appointed a new Director, based at Cardiff University. Professor Gareth Rees will lead the Institute which aims to strengthen social science research capacity across Wales through cooperation, joint projects and associated links with centres of excellence across the UK and internationally. WISERD…