
Adroddiad blynyddol WISERD Cipolwg 2020 ar gael nawr

      Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn rhoi trosolwg o’n gweithgareddau ymchwil yn 2019 – blwyddyn sydd wedi dynodi diwedd un bennod a dechrau pennod newydd, ac wedi cryfhau sefyllfa WISERD fel canolfan ymchwil genedlaethol bwysig. Darllenwch ragor am ein proffil incwm diweddaraf, y gwaith sydd ar y gweill i gryfhau ein cysylltiadau rhyngwladol, ein…

COVID-19: the role of trade unions

The impact of Covid-19 on the economy and the world of work is unprecedented: full or partial lockdown measures are affecting approximately 80 per cent of the global workforce, with the harshest effects falling disproportionately on unprotected workers and those working in the informal economy[1]. For trade unions, the Covid-19 pandemic has cast light on…

Professor Chris Taylor quoted in WalesOnline article about Year Six students in lockdown

WalesOnline, 7th June 2020 Read the full article. Professor Chris Taylor is quoted in the article: “Much of the research on transitions says that it is the familiarisation with high school that is important – knowing where to go, who the teachers are, how work is organised, how much homework there will be, will they get…

Pum neges allweddol i’r rheiny â dementia a’u gofalwyr yn ystod cyfnod COVID-19

Mae’n debygol bod pobl sydd â dementia ac yn byw yn y gymuned yn debygol o gael eu heffeithio’n anghymesur gan fesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol, ymneilltuo a chyfyngiadau’r cyfnod clo. Mae Cyfarwyddwr Canolfan Cymdeithas Sifil WISERD, yr Athro Ian Rees Jones, yn rhan o raglen ymchwil ‘Gwella profiadau o Dementia a Gwella Byw’n Actif’ (prosiect…

New Research reveals civil society perspectives on the contemporary threat to religious freedom in Bangladesh

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney and Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) analyses civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) perspectives on religious freedom violations in Bangladesh. These have been recently thrown into stark relief following the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 2011 that confirmed Islam as the State religion of the…

Cyfarwyddwr WISERD yn derbyn medal Hugh Owen am ymchwil addysg

Mae’r Athro Sally Power, Cyfarwyddwr WISERD, wedi derbyn Medal Hugh Owen 2020 Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru am ei hymchwil addysgol ragorol. Mae’r Athro Power yn ymchwilydd addysg blaenllaw, gyda ffocws eang ar bolisi ac anghydraddoldeb. Mae hi’n chwarae rhan sylweddol wrth gefnogi ymchwil addysg ledled Cymru. Mae Astudiaeth Aml-garfan Addysg WISERD (WMCS), a gyfarwyddwyd gan Power…

COVID-19 and pupil assessment

GCSE exams were due to take place over the next few weeks in Wales, but have been cancelled due to COVID-19. In the second of our blogs about the impact of the pandemic on young people’s education I look at the replacement of formal examinations with teacher assessments. As qualifications bodies will be relying more…

Could local food fill our supermarket shelves?

Empty supermarket shelves have been a scary symptom of the COVID-19 crisis. From daily staples to sneaky snacks, we’re running low. Those shelves reveal something we don’t normally need to think about: here in Wales, our dinners depend on imported food, supply chains, and distribution networks. Could panic at the shops have been averted if…

COVID-19 and school closures

Those of us in WISERD engaged in education research have real worries about the impact of the Coronavirus on the welfare and progress of children and young people. Some are rightly concerned about the impact on young people’s physical and mental health. But here we want to concentrate on the potential effect of the response…