
Wales’s schools urgently need political participation lessons

Dr Dan Evans uses WISERD research to examine young people’s apathy with the Welsh political process This article was originally published on The Conversation. Click to read the original article. After 20 years of devolved politics, one would assume that Wales’s government and parliament would have solidified its place in the country, and the people of…

WISERD takes civil society research to Indonesia

WISERD has been sharing research on civil society at the International Society for Third Sector Research’s tenth Asia Pacific Regional Conference hosted by CECT Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. The WISERD stall at the conference did brisk business, attracting interest from many senior academics, students, policy-makers and members of third sector organisations attending the event. Presentations…

Going the extra mile: women, migrants, and civil society in austere times

Hardly a day goes by without discussion of immigration in the media. Recently, the leaking of a Home Office document outlined plans to limit immigration from the EU after Brexit, and once again, the report and surrounding discussion focused on the perceived shortcomings of immigration. We have interviewed 40 key stakeholders representing 25 organisations run…

Remembering in Aberystwyth: Memorialisation, civil society and the importance of place

Dr Sophie Yarker on the unique shared Remembrance Day practices in Aberystwyth Remembrance Sunday and its parades, wreath-laying and fundraising provides perhaps one of the clearest examples of the coming together of civil society through a shared practice of memorialisation. Although dominated nationally by the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal, at a community level there…

WISERD analysis helps determine whether Welsh Government can fulfill childcare commitment

WISERD’s bespoke analytical tools were used in a Welsh Government research project to assess whether the existing supply of childcare in Wales can cope with the increased demand due from a change in Government policy. The research and analysis was conducted by WISERD Co-Director Prof Gary Higgs and Dr Mitchel Langford of the University of…

Rediscovering passion: how my placement at WISERD has helped my future

Josie Phillips has recently graduated from her third year of a sociology degree at Cardiff University. This summer, Josie undertook a research placement at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), assisting Dr Esther Muddiman with a project about the passing on of values between family members. As my third year of…

Developing ‘inheritance’ mapping

Louise Taylor is in the second year of her sociology degree at Cardiff University. This summer she took part in a Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) placement at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). Louise has been working with Dr Esther Muddiman on a project about intergenerational values….

Cardiff hub helps UK-wide effort to shape housing policy

Welsh housing experts, including WISERD academics, are set to take a leading role in a new UK-wide effort designed to shape UK policy and tackle chronic housing problems. The Glasgow-based UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is a joint collaboration between ten universities and three non-higher education organisations. Staff are located at hubs across…