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North Wales Growth Deal Research Report - front cover
North Wales Growth Deal Research Report

This report was produced in November 2022 as part of research undertaken by the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data (WISERD) as part of its ESRC Centre research programme. Fifteen remote interviews were conducted in English or Welsh (depending on the participant’s choice) by three researchers (Dr Beel, Prof IR Jones, Dr…

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Placing the Foundational Economy: An emerging discourse for post-neoliberal economic development

Emerging in the mid-2010s, the Foundational Economy has been heralded as ‘a compelling counter-project against neoliberalism’ and ‘an alternative pathway … [for] progressive political renewal’. Grounded in a review of cross-disciplinary debates, this paper introduces the concept of the Foundational Economy and places it in relation to heterodox geographic theories of socio-economic development such as…

Tackling Labour Markets cover
Tackling Labour Market Injustice and Organising Workers: The View from a Northern Heartland

This report, based on 42 interviews with workers, trade unionists and other stakeholders, examines the phenomena of low-paid and precarious work in Sheffield. It focuses on the factors driving the prevalence of such work (including the links with welfare reform), the experiences of workers in seven distinct employment sectors, as well as trade union responses…

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City Regions and Devolution in the UK: The Politics of Representation

In recent years, the ‘city region’ has seen a renaissance as the de-facto spatial centre of governance for economic and social development. Rich in case study insights, this book provides an overview of city region building and considers how governance restructuring shapes political, economic, social and cultural landscapes. Reviewing the Greater Manchester, Sheffield, Swansea Bay…

Region, Place, Devolution: Geohistory still matters

The Routledge Handbook of Place: Part 1 – Situating Place, Chapter 4 (ed) Tim Edensor, Ares Kalandides, Uma Kothari This chapter looks at the relationship between place and region through the lens of the place-making politics of devolution and localism in Britain; England and Wales specifically. We revisit Paasi’s treatise on regions in geography and suggest…

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Urban growth strategies in rural regions: building The North Wales Growth Deal

This paper discusses the creation of a growth deal for North Wales (The North Wales Growth Deal – NWGD). North Wales is primarily a rural region within the UK, withoutacore-city or large metropolitan centre.The paper examines how this urban dynamic, fostered around a pushing of the agglomerative growth model out of the city-region, is being…

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Cities and Regions in Crisis: The Political Economy of Sub-National Economic Development

Offering a geographical political economy analysis, this book explores the mechanisms, institutions, and spaces of subnational economic development. Martin Jones innovatively examines how policy-makers frame problems and offer intervention solutions in different cities and regions. Drawing on different approaches to state intervention, neoliberalism, crisis and contradiction theories, and notions of depoliticisation, this book explains policy…

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The march of governance and the actualities of failure: the case of economic development twenty years on

Twenty years ago, Bob Jessop (1998) published a defining piece on the “rise of governance” and the “risks of failure”, using the example of economic development to frame concerns with the state of capitalism at that time. This charted the rise of governance, outlined key governance practices, and offered preliminary reflections on the nature, forms,…

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Elite city-deals for economic growth? Problematizing the complexities of devolution, city-region building, and the (re)positioning of civil society

The concept of localism and spatial delineation of the ‘city region’ have seen a renaissance as the de facto spatial political units of governance for economic development. One articulation of this has seen the creation of Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) to potentially enhance Wales’s poor economic performance and secure democratic forms of social cohesion. City…