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Report Cover
Gwerthuso’r Cyfnod Sylfaen: adroddiad technegol

Yn yr adroddiad hwn, rydym yn cyflwyno trafodaeth dechnegol ar y gwerthusiad tair blynedd (mis Awst 2011 i fis Awst 2014). Mae hyn yn cynnwys amlinelliad o gynllun y gwerthusiad, y dulliau a ddefnyddiwyd wrth werthuso a gwybodaeth fanwl arall am y gwerthusiad. Mae’r Cyfnod Sylfaen yn bolisi blaenllaw Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer addysg y…

Journal Cover
Too Many Graduates? An Application of the Gottschalk-Hansen Model to Young British Graduates between 2001-2010

A model of supply and demand is applied to UK data over the period 2001–2010 to define graduate jobs in terms of the proportion of graduates and/or the graduate earnings mark-up within occupations. Within such a framework it is found that there has been an upward shift in the likelihood of young British university graduates…

Oxford Review of Education 42(3)
Implementing curriculum reform in Wales: the case of the Foundation Phase

The Foundation Phase is a Welsh Government flagship policy of early years education (for 3-7 year-old children) in Wales. Marking a radical departure from the more formal, competency-based approach associated with the previous Key Stage 1 National Curriculum, it advocates a developmental, experiential, play-based approach to teaching and learning. The learning country: A paving document…

Journal cover
The Politics of Education and the Misrecognition of Wales

This paper examines the positioning of the Welsh education system within contemporary policy debate and analysis. It begins by outlining some of the ways in which education policy and provision in Wales differs from that of its neighbour, England, and then goes on to critique how these differences have been represented in both the media…

book cover
Curriculum, Culture and Citizenship Education in Wales: Investigations into the Curriculum Cymreig

This book explores how culture and citizenship are theorised, promoted and learned throughout schools in Wales. Following a brief history of Welsh education and a discussion of how contemporary cultural identity is theorised through citizenship education curricula, it illustrates how archaic approaches to understanding cultural identity continue to undermine the development of culturally relevant curriculum in…

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Giving something back? Sentiments of privilege and social responsibility among elite graduates from Britain and France

This article explores the complex relationship between transnational elites and civil society through examining the contrasting orientations of two cohorts of ‘elite graduates’ from Paris and Oxford. Both cohorts believe their privileged status has been earned through hard work and ability. But they are also aware that they have benefited from advantages not available to…

Journal cover
The Impact of Attaining the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma on Academic Performance in Bioscience Higher Education

Since the introduction of the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma Qualification (WBQ) in 2003, an increasing number of students are applying to higher education institutions (HEIs) with this qualification. The advanced-level WBQ is regarded as equivalent to one General Certificate of Education A-Level (GCE A-Level). This study assesses the impact of attaining the WBQ in addition…

Journal cover
Heroes’ and ‘villains’ in the lives of children and young people

This paper explores the responses of nearly 1200 children and young people in Wales who were asked to identify which three famous people they most admired and which three they most disliked. Analysis of these young people’s responses reveals a number of sociological and educational issues. Their selections confirm other research which has highlighted the…

Normative Values in Adult Education and their Contemporary Relevance

“It is a very large question, with philosophical, anthropological, historical and political implications. In consequence and especially given the circumstances and time available, what I have to say will be in three parts. First, I will consider some theoretical concepts, drawn from the disciplines mentioned above. Secondly, I will consider three case studies by way…