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Journal Cover
There is more than one way – a study of mixed analytical methods in biographical narrative research

The number of studies using biographical narrative data has increased worldwide. Given the variety of analytical approaches in narrative research, a critical investigation of the relationship between the methodological procedures and the implications for research practice is needed. This article reports on a mixed analysis study applying three analytical methods to autobiographical narrative interview data:…

Cover of the Welsh Economic Review
The experiences of participants in ESF funded training programmes

This paper presents findings from an investigation into the experiences of people who participated in training programmes in Wales, between 2009 and 2013, which were supported by the European Social Fund (ESF). The two ESF Operational Programmes (referred to as the Convergence and Competitiveness Programmes) benefiting Wales for the programming period 2007-13 provided just over…

Sage Research Methods Logo
Analysing Biographical Interviews: Welfare States, the Imperative to Work and Accounts of Redemptive Citizenship

The interview extract in this dataset is provided by Dr Helen Blakely from the Welsh Institute of Social and Economic Research Data and Methods, Cardiff University. The data are taken from a multi-method study, which examined the lives of a group of welfare-reliant single mothers living in the upper reaches of the South Wales Valleys,…

Sage Research Methods Logo
Analysing Semi-Structured Interviews Using Thematic Analysis: Exploring Voluntary Civic Participation Among Adults

This exemplar highlights some of the key points for consideration when conducting thematic analysis on semi-structured interview data. The data exemplar is provided by Dr Ceryn Evans, from the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), Cardiff University, who was funded by the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)…

Journal cover
Mapping the interview transcript: identifying spatial policy areas from daily working practices

An interview transcript can be a rich source of geographical references whose potential are not always fully realised in their conventional analysis. Geo-referencing techniques can be used to assign a spatial footprint to place names, adding value to these data and allowing the geographic information within them to be exploited when coupled with GIS technology….

Journal Cover
Visual methodology in the political sciences: the case of young people and Brexit

Film as a research method for collecting and analysing visual data has a long and rich history within the fields of anthropology and ethnography. This approach is less commonly used within the social sciences and still less within the political sciences. This paper goes some way towards defining the parameters of visual methodology in the…

Cover of articles
Investigating the Patterns and Prevalence of UK Trade Unionism on Twitter

This paper reports on on-going exploratory research into the prevalence and patterns of social media use by trade unions in the United Kingdom. Social media platforms, like Twitter, are used by unions to organize and mobilize existing and potential members by communicating relevant content, which often engages politicians and the news media. However, there is…

Cover of Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Assessing the Impacts of Changing Public Service Provision on Geographical Accessibility: an examination of public library provision in Pembrokeshire, South Wales

Public libraries make an important contribution to the wellbeing of local people often acting as community hubs by reducing the isolation felt by vulnerable members of society through promoting social interaction and supporting the wider needs of local communities. However, access to libraries is threatened in Wales, as elsewhere in the UK, by uncertainty stemming…

Sage Research Methods Logo
Using mixed-methods analysis to explore issue representation in parliamentary proceedings

In parliamentary democracies, a key question for citizens and social scientists alike is, “who speaks on behalf of different social groups and on different policy topics?” This informs not only an understanding of how democracy works but also the workings of the formative phase of public policy-making. This allows us to understand a range of…