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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 221 canlyniad
Children’s Worlds National Report Wales

This is the welsh national report of the third wave of the International Survey of Childrens’ Wellbeing (ISCIWEB) data collection, with a representative sample of at least 1,000 children per age group. Children’s Worlds, the International Survey of Children’s Well-Being (ISCWeB), is a worldwide research survey on children’s subjective well-being. The study aims to collect…

The Rise and Fall of Think Tanks in Wales - English cover
Cynnydd a Chwymp Melinau Trafod yng Nghymru

Gallwch ei lawrlwytho yma Rhagair     Mae’r adroddiad mewnweledol ac addysgiadol hwn yn gwneud cyfraniad mawr at ein dealltwriaeth o felinau trafod yng Nghymru. Gellir dadlau ein bod yn byw mewn cyfnod lle mae mwy o ddiddordeb mewn gwleidyddiaeth nag a fu erioed – mewn sut mae penderfyniadau a wneir ym Mrwsel, San Steffan neu’r…

Publication Image
Gefeilldrefi Cymreig-Llydaweg Cyfleoedd a heriau ar gyfer y dyfodol

Mae gan sawl tref Gymreig gefeilldref yn Llydaw. Mae trefeillio yn rhan o gymdeithas sifil, gan greu cyfleoedd am gyfeillgarwch rhyngwladol a chyfnewid diwylliannol. Dathla cysylltiadau Cymreig-Llydewig, yn benodol, treftadaeth Geltaidd gyffredin. Ond gyda heriau medig wyliau cost isel a Brecsit, a fydd trefeillio’n parhau’n berthnasol, neu fydd yn cael ei gaethiwo i hanes?

Civil Society Centre (Oct 2014 and Sep 2019) Key Findings
Canolfan Cymdeithas Sifil (Hydref 2014 a Medi 2019) Canfyddiadau Allweddol

Yn rhan o’n digwyddiad, Dathlu Ymchwil y Gymdeithas Sifil – Pennod Newydd, a gynhaliwyd ddydd Mawrth, 11 Chwefror 2020, fe wnaethom gynhyrchu arddangosfa i amlygu rhai o brif ganfyddiadau ymchwil ein Canolfan Cymdeithas Sifil a ariennir gan ESRC. Cynhaliwyd yr ymchwil rhwng mis Hydref 2014 a mid Medi 2019. Gallwch lawrlwytho PDF dwyieithog o bosteri’r…

Non-Technical Briefing Paper No.3: Civil Society and Good Governance in India and Bangladesh
Non-Technical Briefing Paper No.3: Civil Society and Good Governance in India and Bangladesh

This briefing is from the ‘Exploring effective practice’ project 2018-19 funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences/ Global Challenges Research Fund. It reports on the findings of fieldwork, including a workshop conducted at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in January 2019 – with academics drawn from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Australia. The workshop was…

Report Cover
Early Childhood Education and Care: Policy Development

This briefing is the third in a series providing a quick guide to early childhood education and care (ECEC). The first two papers considered how ECEC services can be structured, organised and delivered. This final paper looks at the key policy questions around ECEC including who it is really for, how available and accessible it…

Better Data Better Results: An options appraisal for a national data and monitoring system for street homelessness in Scotland
Better Data Better Results: An options appraisal for a national data and monitoring system for street homelessness in Scotland

In June 2018, the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) published a report outlining 70 recommendations for the Scottish Government to implement in order to end rough sleeping, transform the use of temporary accommodation in Scotland and end homelessness altogether. Among these was a recommendation to improve data collection on street homelessness at a…

Report for the Office of Manpower Economics
Understanding the Gender Pay Gap within the UK Public Sector

By applying established regression and decomposition methods to secondary data from the 2018 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) and the 2016-2018 Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) this report aims to enhance our understanding of the drivers of the contemporary gender pay gap (GPG) within the UK public sector. This is done in several…

Successful futures for all: Explorations of curriculum reform - front
Dyfodol llwyddiannus i bawb: Ymchwiliadau i ddiwygio’r cwricwlwm

Gallwch ei lawrlwytho yma Crynodeb gweithredol Nodau Roedd dau nod i’r rhaglen ymchwil: roedd y cyntaf yn ymwneud â’r angen i nodi materion sy’n codi wrth ddatblygu’r cwricwlwm fel y maent yn berthnasol i anfantais; roedd yr ail yn ymwneud â’r angen i adeiladu capasiti ymchwil addysg yng Nghymru. Rhaglen ymchwil Er mwyn bodloni dau…