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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 1131 canlyniad
A spatial justice perspective on EU rural sustainability as territorial cohesion

Territorial cohesion is a guiding set of EU principles to achieve sustainable development. However, evidence suggests that within and across rural and peripheral regions in particular, prosperity and social and economic wellbeing continue to lag behind other regions. The aim of this article is to examine how a spatial justice perspective can provide new development…

Journal cover
Urban public health emergencies and the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 1: Social and spatial inequalities in the COVID-city

COVID-19 has had unprecedented impacts on urban life on a global scale, representing the worst pandemic in living memory. In this introduction to the first of two parts of a Special Issue on urban public health emergencies, we suggest that the COVID-19 outbreak, and associated attempts to manage the pandemic, reproduced and ultimately exacerbated the…

Journal cover
Politicising proximity: Radical municipalism as a strategy in crisis

As new municipalism comes of age, prefixes proliferate: from democratic and autonomist to post-growth and care municipalisms. How do all these variegations relate to each other and to the wider movement of which they claim a part? What does all this conceptual creativity amount to, epistemologically and politically? How can we distill the most salient…

Y dilyniant rhwng y rhywiau a’r bwlch cyflog i athrawon yng Nghymru

Archwiliodd y Cipolwg Data hwn wahaniaethau rhwng staff addysgu benywaidd a gwrywaidd ar wahanol gyfnodau gyrfa gan ddefnyddio Cyfrifiad Blynyddol Gweithlu’r Ysgol (SWAC). Canfu’r dadansoddiad fod athrawon benywaidd yn ennill mwy nag athrawon gwrywaidd ar lefel athrawon ar lawr dosbarth. Fodd bynnag, gwrthdrôdd y duedd hon i athrawon mewn uwch arweinyddiaeth, lle’r oedd athrawon gwrywaidd…

Front cover Social Research Methodology
Participation or direction? Dilemmas in utilising participatory methods

This paper will explore the dichotomy of direction and stimulus through a reflection on arts-based methods used in a research study into post-industrial communities in South Wales and consider whether in participatory processes, a catalyst for artistic creativity could become construed as researcher-led control over the activities. Through an examination of the methods and outcomes…