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Journal Cover
Performing Rurality and Practising Rural Geography

Recent research in rural geography has shown increasing interest in the ways in which rurality is performed and enacted by diverse actors. Rural geographers have also demonstrated increasing awareness of their own ‘performances’ as researchers, including their enactment of multiple roles in engaging with research subjects, funders and users. This progress report for rural geography…

Aging Horizons Bulletin
Interview: In Praise of Grandfathers

Aging Horizons Bulletin, 2010 March / April Issue Time to bring grandfathers out of the shadows. Grandparents are playing a vital part in many families today, yet few studies have focused on the role of grandfathers. According to Dr. Robin Mann, the significance of grandfatherhood for men has been underestimated. Mann is associate research fellow…

Journal cover
Building a Geo-portal for Enhancing Collaborative Socio-Economic Research in Wales using Open Source Technology

The Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) is a major new collaborative socio‐economic research programme involving five higher education institutions in Wales. This paper introduces the work of the WISERD data integration team and describes their plans for the development of an online geo‐portal. Their aim is to support WISERD…

Journal Cover
Learning to Plunder: Global Education, Global Inequality and the Global City

Most research and policy discussions of education in the global city have focused on the ways in which globalization and the emergence of global or globalizing cities can create social, economic and educational inequality locally, within the global city itself. Global cities, however, are, by definition, powerful places, where the core institutions, structures and processes…

Issue front page
Qualitative Researcher: Issue 11

Issue 11 of WISERD’s Qualitative Researcher contains: Methodological challenges of researching communities – Stephen Burgess, Kate Moles and Robin Smith Using film, video and other multi-media for engaging “hard to reach” young people – Martin O’Neill The role of the researcher: when two social worlds collide – Anne Foley Minding a mendacious methodology: Community-based research…

Issue front page
Methodological challenges of researching communities

Welcome to the eleventh issue of Qualitative Researcher – the first to be produced by the new editorial team who are all Cardiff-based staff working in the newly established Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). So why the changes? For the past four years, Qualitative Researcher has been produced by…

Issue front page
Using film, video and other multi-media for engaging “hard to reach” young people

Increasingly in the field of conducting research based regeneration initiatives in disadvantaged or disengaged communities there is a growing realization of the importance of developing a more egalitarian participatory based approach to the research enterprise and the whole political process that is involved (Bowler et al 2007), i.e. establishing greater dialogue and reciprocity between researcher…

Issue front page
The role of the researcher: when two social worlds collide

Researching marginalised communities is often thwarted by a number of ethical and moral problems. As social scientists, we are driven by the need to develop a greater understanding of how different actors make sense of their social world (Coffey and Atkinson 1996). Yet, representing data on marginalised communities can have many implications; potentially, we can…

Issue front page
Minding a mendacious methodology: Community-based research in a transition town

This paper sets out a conversation concerning some of the methodological and ethical issues we have encountered as part of our participation in, and research of, a prominent contemporary movement for community change and relocalization. In discussing the ethnographic methods we use to research the Transition Town movement1 we feel both duty-bound and inspired to…

Issue front page
Connected Lives: Methodological challenges of researching networks, neighbourhoods and communities

This paper outlines two methods we used in Connected Lives: one of four projects of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods: Real Life Methods Node. Connected Lives was a qualitatively driven mixed-method research project exploring networks, neighbourhoods and community. We set out to understand the dynamic, processual and contingent nature of relations within an…