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Qualitative research, deliberative inquiry and policy making

Qualitative research and deliberative methods are increasingly being drawn upon to make citizen voices audible within policy debates. Qualitative research methods contribute to this by privileging the role of local contexts and cultures in shaping meanings and interpretations, focusing on the perspectives and experiences of participants to better understand their worlds. Deliberative methods involve a…

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Welsh Children’s Views on Government and Participation

Qualitative research from Wales sought to explore aspects of children’s views on government and participation. The research project was conducted in 2001 with 105 children aged 8—11 from a diverse sample of schools across Wales. The article first reports the children’s perspectives on different levels (and places) of government: the UK parliament and the Welsh…

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The Personal Contexts of National Sentiments

This article examines trends in entrepreneurship among minority ethnic groups in Britain. It begins with an analysis of how self-employment rates for different ethnic groups have evolved since the early 1990s. We find that rates of self-employment have fallen for Indians and the Chinese and argue that this is due to increased opportunities in paid…

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The local politics of the global countryside: boosterism, aspirational ruralism and the contested reconstitution of Queenstown, New Zealand

This paper examines the local politics through which the reconstitution of rural localities under globalization is advanced and contested, with particular reference to the impact of international amenity migration. It contends that as globalization proceeds not by domination but by hybridization and negotiation, local politics is critical as the sphere in which the outcomes of…

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Exploring neglected dimensions of social policy: The social division of welfare, fiscal welfare and the exemplar of local taxation in England

Titmusss Social Division of Welfare (SDW) thesis is a vitally important but much neglected element of social policy analysis. This article seeks to explore the SDW, with a particular focus on fiscal welfare. Fiscal welfare has been described as forming a hidden welfare state, and while taxation is one of the main ways in which…

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New Labour and the Third Way: An Evolution of Education Policy for an Evolution of the Middle Class

The title translates as “Le New Labour et la troisième voie : une évolution de la politique de l’éducation pour une évolution de la classe moyenne” This article aims to explore and study the complex relations between educational policies that have been set up in England for several decades and the middle-class. The analyses developed…

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The Political Economies of Place in the Emergent Global Countryside: Stories from Rural Wales

This chapter argues that space remains important in understanding the uneven development of rural regions, but that relations between space and place are being reconfigured in an emergent global countryside. After establishing the theoretical context for this argument, it illustrates and examines the issues raised through a case study of rural Wales, in the west…

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Revisiting the Concept of the Public Intellectual

Both Hayek and Lazarsfeld were path-breaking scholars who contributed greatly to the development of their respective disciplines, yet the disciplinary sub-fields they founded faced contrasting receptions at their point of origin in Austria. Our argument here has been that new ideas need structural, political and individual support to gain ground and leave a mark.