
New research reveals rights violations of disabled people in the Commonwealth of Independent States

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, analyses civil society organisations’ (CSOs’)  perspectives on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Over the past decade, the majority of CIS countries have finally ratified the CRPD, offering new rights for the region’s…

Professor John Morgan’s book published in Portuguese

Professor John Morgan’s 2019 book Philosophy, Dialogue, and Education: Nine modern European philosophers (with A. A. Guilherme), Routledge, London and New York, has been translated into Portuguese and published in Brazil by the UNESCO Chair of Youth, Education, and Society, the Catholic University of Brazilia, DF, 2020.

Michael Gove and the Miners’ Gala: Not so wide of the mark

“Just think about it, next year, both the Durham Miners’ Gala and the Notting Hill Carnival will take place in seats represented by Conservative MPs” Michael Gove, December 2019. The Durham Miners’ Gala, established in 1871, is the largest annual gathering of trade unionists in the UK. Despite the last coal mine in County Durham…

Yr Athro John Morgan yn mynd i symposiwm ar Rwsia gyfoes

Cafodd yr Athro John Morgan ei wahodd i symposiwm ar ‘Ugain Mlynedd o Putin: Sut mae Rwsia wedi newid’ a gynhaliwyd yng Nghanolfan Rwsia a Dwyrain Ewrop yng Ngholeg St Antony, Prifysgol Rydychen, ar 7 Rhagfyr 2019. Fe ddenodd y symposiwm arbenigwyr materion Rwsieg yn ogystal â chynrychiolwyr rhyngwladol eraill o feysydd academaidd, diplomyddiaeth a…

Is there a future for Welsh-Breton town twinning?

Town twinning grew after the Second World War, forging new friendships between old enemies as civil society crossed borders. Today, though, post-war memory has faded, while Brexit and Eurosceptic politics sow new divisions. Here in Wales, will town twinning stay relevant – or be relegated to the past? “I can’t see a future for twinning…

Tyfu i Fyny yng Nghymru: safbwyntiau a phrofiadau myfyrwyr ysgol

Roedd ein digwyddiad diweddar, Tyfu i Fyny yng Nghymru: safbwyntiau a phrofiadau myfyrwyr ysgol, wedi archwilio canfyddiadau diweddaraf data arolwg Astudiaeth Aml-garfan Addysg WISERD (WMCS). Dros y saith mlynedd ddiwethaf, mae’r WMCS wedi gwneud cyfraniad pwysig i ddeall bywydau pobl ifanc yng Nghymru, drwy gynnal arolwg blynyddol o dros 1,000 o bobl ifanc wrth iddyn…

Gwell werthuso a chyllido i gynorthwyo ymdrechion i hyrwyddo ieithoedd lleiafrifol

Fe fyddai ymdrechion i hyrwyddo ieithoedd lleiafrifol ymysg plant a phobl ifanc yn elwa o wella’r ffordd y mae prosiectau yn cael eu gwerthuso, ac o gyllid digonol. Dyna rai o gasgliadau allweddol ymchwil i weithgareddau hyrwyddo iaith yn y gwledydd Celtaidd. Fe gynhaliodd academyddion o brifysgolion Aberystwyth a Chaeredin ymchwil ar weithgareddau mudiadau yn…

Appetite for Change

In October 2019 WISERD co-hosted a collaborative workshop with the Sustainable Places Research Institute and the Wales Governance Centre to discuss the environmental and social justice considerations of food systems in Wales. The event brought together a range of experts – including policy makers, civil society activists and other stakeholders to assess the major challenges…

Urgent Appeals: Data and Shared Learning

WISERD researchers will continue to support the development of data repositories for strategic use within NGOs, having successfully obtained funding from the ESRC under the NGO Secondary Data Analysis Call. Dr. Jean Jenkins and Dr. Katy Huxley will build on previous work with partners the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), who campaign for decent work and…

WISERD yn cyhoeddi ymchwil newydd ar gymdeithas sifil, lles a llywodraethu yn Tsieina

  Dros y tair blynedd ddiwethaf, mae WISERD wedi bod yn rhan o’r cynllun rhyngwladol llwyddiannus Uwch Gymrodoriaeth Newton gydag Academi’r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Tsieina (CASS)  a ariannwyd gan yr Academi Brydeinig. Arweiniwyd y cynllun gan yr Athro Sin Yi Cheung (Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd), Dr Xiao Lin (Academi’r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Tsieina, Beijing), yr…