
Are banks doing enough to model the impact of branch closures on communities?

We have long become accustomed to the concerns expressed in the letter pages of local newspapers or on various online forums from those members of the public forced (if fortunate to have access to a car) to drive greater distances, or to make alternative and more costly arrangements, to access services such as health, educational,…

The rural dilemma: how to restart tourism and reassure residents

As Wales seeks to navigate a safe path out of the coronavirus lockdown, one of the biggest challenges for the Welsh Government is how to re-open the rural economy whilst avoiding a surge of new cases in the countryside and panicking an anxious rural population. First Minister Mark Drakeford has signaled that restrictions on the…

‘Cymdeithas Sifil, Newid Cymdeithasol ac Addysg Boblogaidd Newydd yn Rwsia’ wedi’i enwebu ar gyfer gwobr Alexander Nove Cyhoeddwyd

Mae llyfr diweddar yr Athro John Morgan, Cymdeithas Sifil, Newid Cymdeithasol ac Addysg Boblogaidd yn Rwsia wedi’i enwebu gan y cyhoeddwyr Routledge ar gyfer Gwobr Alexander Nove 2020, Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Slafonic a Dwyrain Ewrop Prydain. Roedd yr Athro Nove yn hanesydd economaidd enwog o Rwsia a’r Undeb Sofietaidd. Mae’r llyfr ar gael ar ffurf clawr…

New research reveals civil society perspectives on human rights and social welfare across UK jurisdictions

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney analyses civil society organisations’ perspectives on how the UK, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland governments are responding to their international human rights treaty obligations in the formulation and delivery of social policy. This socio-legal study is the first that examines human rights and the territorialisation of social welfare…

Adroddiad blynyddol WISERD Cipolwg 2020 ar gael nawr

      Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn rhoi trosolwg o’n gweithgareddau ymchwil yn 2019 – blwyddyn sydd wedi dynodi diwedd un bennod a dechrau pennod newydd, ac wedi cryfhau sefyllfa WISERD fel canolfan ymchwil genedlaethol bwysig. Darllenwch ragor am ein proffil incwm diweddaraf, y gwaith sydd ar y gweill i gryfhau ein cysylltiadau rhyngwladol, ein…

New Research reveals civil society perspectives on the contemporary threat to religious freedom in Bangladesh

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney and Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) analyses civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) perspectives on religious freedom violations in Bangladesh. These have been recently thrown into stark relief following the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 2011 that confirmed Islam as the State religion of the…

Could local food fill our supermarket shelves?

Empty supermarket shelves have been a scary symptom of the COVID-19 crisis. From daily staples to sneaky snacks, we’re running low. Those shelves reveal something we don’t normally need to think about: here in Wales, our dinners depend on imported food, supply chains, and distribution networks. Could panic at the shops have been averted if…

‘Coronavirus holidays’ stoke rural fury

  Catherine Calderwood, forced to resign as Scotland’s chief medical officer, is far from the only city dweller to have caused controversy by flouting lockdown rules to visit her second home in the countryside. Resentment over “coronavirus holidays” is rising. The Covid-19 crisis has prompted some to seek to escape the city. Green spaces are…

Adroddiad COVID-19 gan yr Economi Sylfaenol Gyfunol

  Mae’r tîm o ymchwilwyr sy’n arwain gwaith economi sylfaenol WISERD wedi cyfrannu at adroddiad COVID-19, sy’n cyflwyno achos ar gyfer adnewyddu’r economi sylfaenol ar ôl i’r argyfwng o ran iechyd y cyhoedd ddod i ben. Mae’r argyfwng yn dangos pwysigrwydd yr economi sylfaenol, sef y rhan honno o’r economi sy’n cynhyrchu nwyddau a gwasanaethau…

Reflections on ‘The Rise and Fall of Think Tanks in Wales’, by Victoria Winckler from the Bevan Foundation

I have followed WISERD’s civil society project with great interest over the years. There is much for civil society organisations to learn from and to reflect upon in Wales as elsewhere. Yet in all of WISERD’s work there was a gap – and that was on think tanks. I was therefore delighted when WISERD asked…